
Articles Posted in Social Media and the Workplace


JOIN US: “The Employment Law Year in Review,” a free webinar on Thu, Dec 7, 2017 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

I had one date circled — one date between now and the end of the year. Later this week, on November 17, Netflix releases Marvel’s The Punisher. If you’ve dorked out gotten culture with any of The Defenders series, then, like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit for this release.…


HR lessons from a cyclist fired for flipping off Trump’s motorcade

Image Credit: (screenshot) Juli Briskman was out riding her bicycle when she was passed on the road by Donald Trump’s motorcade. So, she showed ’em the middle finger. And, it was at that precise moment that a White House photographer traveling with the president as he left one of…


Jemele Hill suspended for violating social media rules. No, not even ESPN Talent has free speech rights.

ESPN pays the National Football League nearly $2 billion annual for digital rights. Two billion dollars! With so much at stake, that’s an investment worth protecting. A few years ago, former ESPN personality Bill Simmons found that out the hard way. He was suspended by the network for his incendiary…


NFL players take a knee and it seems like the only ones getting fired are firefighters.

I’m not writing today top rehash #TakeTheKnee. Been there, done that. Rather, today’s post is a friendly reminder to all employees out there who want to express their opinion online about this week’s NFL protests. Remember last week, that firefighter who was suspended for his Facebook post about how that he’d…


This military hospital’s social media cluster-you-know-what checks all the wrong boxes

Originally, I was toying with titling this post, “What Employers Can Learn From Military Nurses Who Pose Newborns Dancing to 50 Cent, Give Them The Finger, And Then Snap A Video And Photo Captioned, ‘How I currently feel about these mini Satans.’” But, yesterday’s blog title was so long already.…


Firefighter suspended for telling Facebook fam that he’d rather save a dog than a million black people.

Proving once again that freedom of speech is a big, fat myth when it comes to keeping one’s job, an Ohio firefighter has been suspended after he posted on Facebook about how he would rather save a dog than a million n*****s. According to the Ariel Zilber at The Daily…


Promoting a new business on Facebook could violate a non-competition agreement. Who knew?

Actually, pretty much everyone.That includes, most importantly, the relevant portion of the three-judge Pennsylvania Superior Court panel in this recent opinion. The case, Joseph v. O’Laughlin, doesn’t involve an employment relationship. Rather, the plaintiff and defendant entered into an asset purchase agreement, which included a covenant not to compete. Among…


Employee free speech on social media? HA! HA! says federal appellate court

Remember when I told you (in this blog post, this article, and this tv interview) that private-sector employees have no First Amendment right, while government employees have limited free-speech rights? I lied. Actually, I was telling the truth. Today’s blog post proves that. Michael Todd Snipes was a law enforcement officer…


Post-Charlottesville, “Name and Shame,” and how employers can respond legally?

As I type out this post at 10:15 pm on Sunday evening, there are many reasons why I am thankful that NBC10 in Philadelphia tapped me for an interview that aired on Sunday. Not the least of which is that I can make this blog post a short one, link to…