
Articles Posted in Social Media and the Workplace


Buh bye: Labor board okays firing some Facebook whiners

I teased it in yesterday’s blog post about Natalie Munroe. The National Labor Relations Board is softening its position on employers who fire employees for rants on Facebook. And I’ve got the deets after the jump… * * * Employees who merely gripe can get S-canned. Three recent advice memoranda…


Suspended blogging teacher will be back in school this fall

Remember Natalie Munroe? Let me see if I can refresh your recollection. She’s a blogger. She’s a teacher. That’s right, smarties. She’s the blogging teacher who got suspended after her school learned that he had written on her personal blog that she wished she could leave the following comments for…


Welcome to the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Jukebox edition!

The Employment Law Blog Carnival has finally rolled into town. What is a blog carnival? It is a collection of links on a particular topic — here, employment law — that bloggers have submitted to me, which I then arrange around a particular theme. For this edition of the Carnival,…


Badge, gun, social media policy: Philly cops now have all three

Philadelphia Police Department has enacted a social media policy. You can view it here. A couple of noteworthy points about this policy: It recognizes that social media plays an important “business” role within the Department. The Department gets it by endorsing the “secure use of social media to enhance communication, collaboration,…


Tweet this! More employers now allow social networking at work

In a new survey conducted by Robert Half Technology, 1400 chief information officers (CIOs) from companies across the United States with 100 or more employees were asked: “Which of the following most closely describes your company’s policy on visiting social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, while at work?”…


A “social media specialist” gets fired for a Twitter gaffe at work

Fueled by the remaining adrenaline from the Bruins 4-0 beating of the Canucks — 2 more wins… just 2 more — I am banging out this blog post just before the clock strikes 12. I have news of a new Twitter firing involving a “social media specialist” and an update…


Social-media shenanigans and Anthony Weiner drinking games

“I just want to advise people watching at home, playing that now-popular drinking game of you take a shot whenever the Republicans saying something that’s not true: Please assign a designated driver. This is going to be a long afternoon.”  — Anthony Weiner (from the House Floor on 1/19/11) You can’t…


Will a new NFL CBA include social media restrictions for players?

I’m guessing that social media is not at the top of either side’s list of demands. However, player tweets like this and, in particular, this one from Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall following the death of Osama bin Laden have some speculating that a new collective bargaining agreement could…