
Articles Posted in Social Media and the Workplace


How to curse out your boss on Facebook … and get away with it!

It’s easier than you think. Indeed, a recent decision from the National Labor Relations Board bears this out. Details after the jump… * * * Online chatter about work is still chatter about work. As we’ve discussed here before, the National Labor Relations Act, gives covered employees (that would include…


New Hampshire becomes the latest state to pass a social media workplace law

And I’m speaking today on social media in the workplace at the 2014 EEOC Excel Conference Everything’s coming up Milhouse. More on the former (and a little about the latter) after the jump… * * * New Hampshire’s new law. Starting on September 30, 2014, New Hampshire employers will be…


Inappropriate Facebook videos, comments doom an employee’s discrimination claims

On the clock or off, when employees do dumb stuff on Facebook, it could cost them their jobs. And, apparently, their discrimination claims against their former employer too. Yep, another employee screwed up online. Go figure. More on that after the jump… * * * In Brown v. Tyson Foods,…


Disclosing an employee’s medical info on Facebook is hella-stupid

Plus, it may violate the Americans with Disabilities Act too. How one company’s alleged blunder turned into an ADA lawsuit and a blog post at…after the jump… * * * In Shoun v. Best Formed Plastics, Inc., the plaintiff allegedly suffered a bad shoulder injury at work. And, after…


Court: No First Amendment right for teacher to trash students online

Welcome to The Employer Handbook. Extending the fifteen minutes of fame of a trash-talking blogger/teacher by a 300 word blog post. After the jump… * * * Dudes, do you remember Natalie Munroe? She’s the teacher who enjoyed a cup of coffee in the spotlight a few years ago after getting…


Score? US Men’s Soccer’s permission slip so your employees can miss work today

I remember a high school classmate of mine who had his mom send in a permission slip to excuse him from missing school for the Philadelphia Phillies’ home opener. Mom’s note indicated that her son was suffering from “Vernal Flu.”  Get it? Vernal Flu = Spring Fever. Pretty creative, huh?…