
Articles Posted in Social Media and the Workplace


What these (former) employees did on social media was beyond stupid. #stoopid

For blog fodder, but, mostly for my amusement, I have a Google Alert for “fired AND facebook OR twitter.” Usually, it’s just a hit or two. But, yesterday, I hit the jackpot. You have the cop making the racist comments, another police officer whose “discretion” resulted in a facebook photo…


Kung Fu Panda likes Instagram photos mid-game; Boston Red Sox, not so much

Last week, released its survey of the most common workplace productivity killers. Three of the top four were cell phones, the internet, and social media. In Wednesday night’s game against the Atlanta Braves, Boston Red Sox third baseman Pablo “Kung Fu Panda” Sandoval hit all three of those. During a…


Those without Facebook accounts need not apply. Well, maybe not in one state.

Forcing job applicants to disclose social media logins and passwords as a condition of employment is so 2013 — kinda like this crappy blog. So, the State of Oregon is this close to becoming the first state to expand its social media workplace privacy law to forbid employers from requiring their…


Survey shows many hiring managers are not bashful about trolling applicants online.

It’s funny. (Not “ha ha!” funny. Just, employment-law blogger, wry-smile funny). I read different surveys about social media and hiring and the numbers vary greatly. For every survey that indicates that employers are not using social media to vet candidates, you get the one I read last night from,…


REMINDER: Philadelphia’s Paid Sick Time law goes into effect today

If you are a Philadelphia employer, check out my post from February and this poster. While the new law requires employers of 10 or more to provide paid sick leave, those with 9 or few employees must still provide unpaid sick leave. If you haven’t done so already, update your employee…


So, what do you do when your employee w00ts two police deaths on Facebook?

Over the weekend, while enjoying my tea and krumpets twenty minutes alone in the bathroom free from four screaming kids, I read this story in U.K.’s Daily Mail about a Facebook post from a fast-food chain employee. Shortly after news hit about two police officers gettign shot and killed, she…


Houston (Rockets), we have a problem: Twitter emoji gun violence.

Sure, I could have used today’s post to address yesterday’s unanimous Supreme Court decision about EEOC conciliation efforts. But this is The Employer Handbook. It’s not like I just got the call up to the major leagues. By now, my blog game is hella-strong, yo! I troll sites like TMZ and…


Are there no limits to what employees can get away with on social media?

I can’t blame you if last month’s decision from the National Labor Relations Board, left you asking the question: “Are there no limits to what employees can get away with on social media?” The Board decision, in case you missed it, reinstated an employee who went on Facebook and called his boss a “NASTY MOTHER…


NLRB ok’s one of the filthiest employee Facebook posts about a manager … evah!

[WARNING: This post has some VERY foul language. Although the National Labor Relations Board may tolerate it, many of you may be offended].   By now, all of us have read the articles, which claim that the law permits your employees to complain about work on social media … and keep…