
Articles Posted in Philadelphia


What’s hot at the EEOC? Plus, a legal roadmap for managing the aging workforce.

Whatcha doin’ two weeks from today? Want to grab some breakfast with me? Maybe hear about what’s hot at the EEOC and get a legal roadmap for managing the aging workforce? In you’re in the Philadelphia area and would like to learn more about these topics, then come on down…


New Philadelphia law requires accommodations for pregnant employees

Late last month, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter signed this bill, which requires reasonable workplace accommodations for employees who have needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. As noted in this prior post about Philadelphia’s new law, reasonable accommodations would include, but are not limited to, restroom breaks, periodic…


Philadelphia bill would require companies to accommodate pregnant employees

Last week, I brought you this news of a bill pending in New Jersey, requiring employers to make available reasonable accommodation for pregnancy-related needs when requested by the employee with the advice of her physician. Yesterday, I read this article in The Legal Intelligencer about this potential amendment to Philadelphia’s…


In 77 tweets, what employers can learn about EEOC enforcement #EEOCHR

I had two topics on the brain to blog about: Whether, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, being on time is an essential function of the job. Fortunately, Daniel Schwartz addressed that yesterday here at the Connecticut Employment Law Blog. As a follow-up to yesterday’s wage-and-hour / Daylight Savings Time…


Paid Sick Leave In Philadelphia – Round 2

Reporter: Rock, you got anything derogatory to say about the champ? Rocky Balboa: Derogatory? Yeah. He’s great. {Just needed to get that out of my system} Guess what’s back in Philadelphia City Council. It’s the “Promoting Healthy Families and Workplaces” Bill, otherwise known as paid sick leave. Here is a…


Salty about Sandy: 20 Hurricane tweets from your employees

Hurricane Sandy: Day 2 To my east-coasters, I hope this post finds you safe and dry.   Me? Hey, thanks for asking. Our Philly home kept power throughout and we otherwise made it through unscathed. Still, Philadelphia remains in a state of emergency. The City is essentially shut down. Most of…