
Articles Posted in New Jersey


Can a NJ company legally shorten the statute of limitations on employment claims?

Let’s assume that you operate a business in New Jersey. And you get to thinking: “What if we put a provision in our employment application, by which a job applicant waives the two-year statute of limitations applicable to most workplace claims and shortens the period for such claims to six…


Ban the box is one step closer to becoming law throughout New Jersey

Many cities in the Mid-Atlantic region (Philadelphia, Newark) have passed legislation that makes it illegal for employers to inquire about criminal history early on in the job application / interview process. The State of Delaware too has passed this so-called “ban the box” rule. Last week, a New Jersey Senate…


3d Cir. on FLSA successor-in-interest liability. Or, as I like to put it, “No Blog Hits” Day

I was on such a roll this week.  You guys were digging the heck out of my peeing in the breakroom post, David Crosby the alcoholic, and the one about a supervisor offering cash to sleep with an employee’s wife. You know who even read that last one? Scan down…


NJ now bans discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions

I blogged about it here back in October. My epic Lil’ Za Halloween costume. Both the NJ House and Senate had proposed legislation whereby a female employee affected by pregnancy could not be treated worse than other non-pregnant co-workers, but similar in their ability or inability to work. Well, now,…


NJ votes to increase minimum wage to $8.25

On Election Day, NJ voters approved a constitutional amendment increasing the state’s minimum wage by $1, from $7.25 to $8.25. The new wage rate will take effect on January 1, and future increases will be tied to inflation. Governor Chris Christie, who was re-elected on Tuesday had opposed the increase,…


New Jersey Recognizes Same Sex Marriages – Why it Matters for Pennsylvania Employers

If only I had a hot tub time machine, I would have gone back a day and a half and scooped Phil Miles at Lawffice Space and posted “New Jersey Recognizes Same Sex Marriages – Why it Matters for Pennsylvania Employers” before he did. Except I didn’t. So read his…


New NJ bill targets pregnancy and childbirth discrimination

New Jersey is the home of deep fried hot dogs and the Law Against Discrimination, one of the most employee-friendly anti-discrimination statutes in the country. Here, pregnant employees can order a ripper with relish at Rutt’s Hut, but, somehow, are not entitled to preferential leave treatment in the workplace. However,…