
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous


Let’s make it official! What say we meet IRL at SHRM Annual Conference? #SHRM16

Around this time last year, I invited readers to connect at the 2015 SHRM Annual Conference and Expo in Las Vegas. Notwithstanding my try-too-hard-to-be-whimsically-irreverent approach, I made some great connections. Now, one year wiser, I’m going to keep it sincere and humble. So, imagine arriving in Washington, DC, only to being…


You + Me @ SHRM Legislative Conference: What could possibly go wrong?

Don’t answer that. Instead, picture this: A well-dressed guy saunters into the Washington Renaissance. Don’t worry, before next week, I’ll wash the stains out of my Metallica hoodie. Ok, Ratt hoodie. Ok, N’ Sync hoodie. Ok, N’ Sync sleeveless hoodie. He’s cool(ish) and snarky; he’s got an employment law blog and…


Sorry, NLRB. Using an iPhone to secretly record a conversation with your boss may be criminal

Remember last month when I told you to short crude oil futures and bet the Broncos to win the Super Bowl about how the National Labor Relations Board concluded that an employer could not maintain a workplace rule that banned employees from recording workplace conversations, absent prior company approval. (More on that here).…


GUEST POST: Can Your Cyber Policy Handle The Truth (About Your Employees)?

Because all of the images of Colonel Jessup ordering a Code Red are copyright protected, you get this one of Jack. But, better than Jack, today you get Wednesday’s Powerball jackpot numbers a guest post from my colleague, Jordan Rand. In addition to having a half-decent jump shot, Jordan is developing…