
Articles Posted in Miscellaneous


Camouflage toilet paper is so last year. The most unusual workplace gifts of 2014.

After two days of organized-labor-themed oxygen-sucking blog posts, I’m gonna lighten it up today, with some holiday co-worker gift-giving ideas for you. Taking my cue from CareerBuilder’s 2014 list of the most unusual holiday gifts exchanged in the workplace, please consider nixing these from your list: A box of Hot…


Five great resources for HR about employing veterans

In honor of Veterans Day… From the EEOC, “What You Should Know: EEOC and Employment Opportunities for Disabled Veterans“ Also from the EEOC, “Veterans and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): A Guide for Employers“ From Kevin Schmiegel & John Finneran (Forbes), “On Veterans Day, Recognizing The Employment Value Of…


Think an employee is faking sick? Check social media.

It’s that time of year again. Open enrollment, flu shots, and’s list of the most creative excuses for missing work. But before I get to that, how about some missed-work statistics based on responses from 2,203 hiring managers and human resource professionals, and 3,103 U.S. workers (employed full-time, not self-employed,…


Score? US Men’s Soccer’s permission slip so your employees can miss work today

I remember a high school classmate of mine who had his mom send in a permission slip to excuse him from missing school for the Philadelphia Phillies’ home opener. Mom’s note indicated that her son was suffering from “Vernal Flu.”  Get it? Vernal Flu = Spring Fever. Pretty creative, huh?…