
Articles Posted in Human Resources Policies


ACA Update: Why Your Company Should Be Tracking Employees’ Hours Now

My Dilworth Paxson colleagues, Matthew Whitehorn and Richard Smolen, recently published an important alert about how keeping good employee records now can help protect your business from future “play or pay” penalties under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). You can view a copy of it here. Tomorrow, I plan to…


New Philadelphia law requires accommodations for pregnant employees

Late last month, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter signed this bill, which requires reasonable workplace accommodations for employees who have needs related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. As noted in this prior post about Philadelphia’s new law, reasonable accommodations would include, but are not limited to, restroom breaks, periodic…


“Drug-Free Workplace Policy Builder” from the Department of Labor

Ordinarily, I’m reluctant to recommend online modules that help HR professionals create workplace policies. Like the one I used to create a Borat Workplace Dress Code. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but I was certain that the one-piece, over-the-shoulder, male swimsuits wouldn’t create a donning and doffing FLSA issue.…


That’s what they said: Facebook “Like” under the First Amendment, same-sex marriage benefits, plus a carnival

Now, where did I put the mustard for my deep fried Red Bull battered Twinkie dog? (Like I would ever use ketchup for that?!?) While I search for the spicy brown, after the jump, I’ll get you caught up on the latest employment-law news… * * * Over at the…


Supreme Court DOMA ruling “In Plain English”; impact on employers

Want an explanation of yesterday Supreme Court decision regarding challenges to California’s ban on same-sex marriage and the federal Defense of Marriage Act, check out Amy Howe’s analysis “In Plain English” at And for more on yesterday’s decision and the impact it may have on your business, check out:…