
Articles Posted in Human Resources Policies


JOIN US: “The Employment Law Year in Review,” a free webinar on Thu, Dec 7, 2017 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

I had one date circled — one date between now and the end of the year. Later this week, on November 17, Netflix releases Marvel’s The Punisher. If you’ve dorked out gotten culture with any of The Defenders series, then, like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit for this release.…


A new SHRM-endorsed House bill promotes paid employee leave across the country

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is touting this bill, known as the “Workflex in the 21st Century Act” (you can view it here) as “a first-of-its-kind combination of guaranteed paid leave and increased options for flexible work arrangements.” Fair warning, I’m going to quote liberally from other sources for…


Could your business withstand a tsunami of individual wage and hour claims?

Image Credit: ( And here you thought you were so smart by getting all of your employees to agree to class-action waivers and binding arbitration of all employment-related claims. Maybe not so much. Death by a thousand paper cuts. Yesterday, I read this article from Jon Steingart at Bloomberg Law’s…


7 last-minute ways for HR to be the wettest of wet blankets on Halloween

  Tomorrow is Halloween. Slacking this year, my family made our last-minute trip to the farm on Saturday for pumpkins. The kids held it together for the most part, except when it was every boy and girl for himself/herself in the “cornbox.” Fortunately, there were plenty of cider donuts available to…


This military hospital’s social media cluster-you-know-what checks all the wrong boxes

Originally, I was toying with titling this post, “What Employers Can Learn From Military Nurses Who Pose Newborns Dancing to 50 Cent, Give Them The Finger, And Then Snap A Video And Photo Captioned, ‘How I currently feel about these mini Satans.’” But, yesterday’s blog title was so long already.…


A recreational marijuana user was blowin’ hella smoke with these FMLA arguments.

  Remember that scene in Animal House, the one where Donald Sutherland is sitting around with Katy and the some of the Deltas, smoking pot and discussing solar systems and atoms on the fingernail of a giant being?  I kinda had that feeling as I read this recent opinion in…


Your company’s generous parental leave benefits could actually trigger a discrimination lawsuit

Just before the Labor Day weekend, I blogged here about an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint filed in federal court by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that should have employers scrutinizing their leave policies and procedures. Today, I’ve got news of another EEOC lawsuit filed in my backyard in the Eastern…


I’ve got two FREE HR-compliance seminars next month to help you address an aging workforce

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is determined to make the ADEA “more relevant than ever.” Translation: If your workplace doesn’t get its act together soon, come 2018, you’re gonna be like this if the agency or a…


Federal judge to EEOC: Your wellness-program incentive rules are kind’ve a big dumpster fire

Well, maybe not in those words exactly. But, the judge did have some scathing words for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s take on wellness-program incentives. Remind me. What are these incentive rules? Back in 2016, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission passed new regulations impacting wellness programs. Among other things,…