
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


Teen tweets complaint about new job, gets fired on Twitter before starting said job.

I am a true Twitter OG. Why, I remember back in the day — it was 2009 — when Connor Riley, a/k/a ‘Cisco Fatty’ a/k/a @theconnor tweeted: “Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San…


No, really. Demanding an employee’s social security number isn’t religious discrimination

Remember that blog post I had from July of last year, the one you contemplated getting tattooed on your back. Yeah, you know the one. This one, silly. About the Fundamentalist Christian, who, upon filling out his new-employee paperwork, refused to provide a social security number because it would cause…


#WWHRD: You just discovered your employee’s angry racist Ferguson tweet

Last night, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan came to me in a dream. You see, we were at a video arcade, the two of them playing the classic, Street Fighter. I had next. Mr. Gorbachev was playing as Zangief and President Reagan was Guile. Because, of course. So, just as the…


Read this before you revoke a job offer in Pennsylvania based on criminal history

Across the country, many states and localities have enacted ban-the-box legislation. In a nutshell, ban the box means that employers cannot inquire about an applicant’s criminal history until after the first job interview. For example, Philadelphia has ban the box. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not. Still, Pennsylvania does have…