
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


Teacher fired over Facebook groping photo could get her job back

Back in October, I blogged here about Ms. Cook, an Idaho school teacher who lost her job after her employer learned about a photo on her Facebook page that showed her boyfriend touching her chest. (Oh, fine, here’s the pic) What made this story unique — yeah, I know, teacher…


So your public relations executive just tweeted a racist joke that went viral…

It doesn’t end well for the PR Exec. Just so we’re clear. Click through to read the full story… “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” A PR Executive from IAC, which owns such online publications as The Daily Beast,,, and several others,…


HR’s 2013 Performance Review (via SHRM’s #nextchat)

Yesterday, We Know Next, the muscle-bound social media arm of the Society for Human Resource Management, hosted a NextChat session on Twitter. Oh, you don’t know NextChat? NextChat is a one-hour session on Twitter, which runs every Wednesday from 3-4 PM EST on a topic du jour — that’s the…


NLRB ok’s firing of two employees who trashed their company on Facebook

  It’s been a while since we’ve discussed discipline for employee Facebook behavior. So, let’s go over some basics. Generally speaking: one employee, griping alone on Facebook about his employer, can be fired; but   two employees, complaining together on Facebook about their employer, cannot be fired. The distinction is…


NJ votes to increase minimum wage to $8.25

On Election Day, NJ voters approved a constitutional amendment increasing the state’s minimum wage by $1, from $7.25 to $8.25. The new wage rate will take effect on January 1, and future increases will be tied to inflation. Governor Chris Christie, who was re-elected on Tuesday had opposed the increase,…


Nearly half of employers investigate job applicants online

  This according to a survey (here) released last week. Of the 2,775 hiring managers polled, almost half (48%) responded that employers will use Google or other search engines to research candidates. Nearly the same number (44%) will research the candidate on Facebook. Just over one quarter (27%) will…


That’s what they said: Social media and the workplace and the lawsuits

One social media-related post in October. One may be good enough for the Red Sox — eat it, Detroit — not here. So, with a little help from my friends, I’ve got three stories on the the impact that the technology in the workplace has on litigation proceedings. Over at…


Woman’s Kanye-inspired “take this job and shove it” video goes viral. Would YOU hire her?

Here’s the video: // Here’s the question: <a href=””>Would you hire this employee?</a> Would you hire this woman? Tell me why or why not in the comments below. UPDATE: What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. (h/t