
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


#WWHRD: You just discovered your employee’s angry racist Ferguson tweet

Last night, Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan came to me in a dream. You see, we were at a video arcade, the two of them playing the classic, Street Fighter. I had next. Mr. Gorbachev was playing as Zangief and President Reagan was Guile. Because, of course. So, just as the…


Read this before you revoke a job offer in Pennsylvania based on criminal history

Across the country, many states and localities have enacted ban-the-box legislation. In a nutshell, ban the box means that employers cannot inquire about an applicant’s criminal history until after the first job interview. For example, Philadelphia has ban the box. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not. Still, Pennsylvania does have…


Can a NJ company legally shorten the statute of limitations on employment claims?

Let’s assume that you operate a business in New Jersey. And you get to thinking: “What if we put a provision in our employment application, by which a job applicant waives the two-year statute of limitations applicable to most workplace claims and shortens the period for such claims to six…


Ban the box is one step closer to becoming law throughout New Jersey

Many cities in the Mid-Atlantic region (Philadelphia, Newark) have passed legislation that makes it illegal for employers to inquire about criminal history early on in the job application / interview process. The State of Delaware too has passed this so-called “ban the box” rule. Last week, a New Jersey Senate…


Employment at-will trumps the 2nd Amendment (Yes, you can fire the employee who shoots a gun at work)

In every one of the United States, except Montana, employment is at-will. This means that, absent a contract of employment for a specific period of time, you may fire an employee for any reason or no reason at all. (Not to be confused with “right to work” — more on…