
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


Are there no limits to what employees can get away with on social media?

I can’t blame you if last month’s decision from the National Labor Relations Board, left you asking the question: “Are there no limits to what employees can get away with on social media?” The Board decision, in case you missed it, reinstated an employee who went on Facebook and called his boss a “NASTY MOTHER…


Burn these job interview questions. Send ’em to hell!

Kinda like this, but different. According to a recent survey from, 1 out of 5 employers failed to read my 2011 blog post about interview questions to avoid, have asked a question in a job interview only to find out later that it was illegal to ask. Indeed, the poll…


A white employee tossed banana peels at work, and HE claims discrimination. He might WIN too.

Where do I find these cases, you ask? Well, I sold my soul, and a stack of Billy Ripken baseball cards, to the devil a long time ago. I ain’t telling. But seriously, this case isn’t so much about the particular facts… White employee tosses banana peels at work Black employees complain…


The Employer Handbook takes on the world’s strangest job interview questions of 2015

The folks over at have compiled their Top Oddball Interview Questions for 2015. Except this year, there’s a twist. Glassdoor has grouped the questions by country: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany. So, let’s put these question to the test. I’m going to take a random “oddball” question from…


Does a company invade an employee’s privacy by accessing personal texts on a work-issued iPad?

This “invasion of privacy” question is the lynchpin of a new lawsuit from two former employees of one of the largest beer companies in the world. The complaint (available here), which began in state court, has been removed to federal court in New Jersey. David Gialanella, reporting for the New Jersey…


Consider requiring your new independent contractors to release employment claims

What the hell are you talking about, Eric? Why would we make an independent contractor sign a release of employment claims before starting work for our company? So glad you asked. Although, I’m not sure I like your tone. *** takes pills *** Many years ago, Allstate Insurance restructured its business,…


Teen tweets complaint about new job, gets fired on Twitter before starting said job.

I am a true Twitter OG. Why, I remember back in the day — it was 2009 — when Connor Riley, a/k/a ‘Cisco Fatty’ a/k/a @theconnor tweeted: “Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San…


No, really. Demanding an employee’s social security number isn’t religious discrimination

Remember that blog post I had from July of last year, the one you contemplated getting tattooed on your back. Yeah, you know the one. This one, silly. About the Fundamentalist Christian, who, upon filling out his new-employee paperwork, refused to provide a social security number because it would cause…