
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


7 last-minute ways for HR to be the wettest of wet blankets on Halloween

  Tomorrow is Halloween. Slacking this year, my family made our last-minute trip to the farm on Saturday for pumpkins. The kids held it together for the most part, except when it was every boy and girl for himself/herself in the “cornbox.” Fortunately, there were plenty of cider donuts available to…


Court politely tells union where to stick its request to reinstate a member accused of sexual harassment.

***pops open can of Haterade*** A local Philadelphia-area school district employed a teacher/union advocate for about 10 years until it ended his employment on the grounds that he was creating a hostile work environment for his fellow teachers and making lewd and suggestive statements to students. Given that this is…


Does the ADA protect an individual who uses prescription drugs to battle addiction to illegal drugs?

  As the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s fiscal year comes to a close, the agency has filed a slew of discrimination lawsuits. One that caught my eye involves an employer that allegedly rescinded an offer of employment once it found out that the individual was using prescription drugs to treat…


NFL players take a knee and it seems like the only ones getting fired are firefighters.

I’m not writing today top rehash #TakeTheKnee. Been there, done that. Rather, today’s post is a friendly reminder to all employees out there who want to express their opinion online about this week’s NFL protests. Remember last week, that firefighter who was suspended for his Facebook post about how that he’d…


No, President Trump, NFL owners cannot legally fire players that #TakeTheKnee

And it has nothing to do with the First Amendment and freedom of speech. ICYMI, some NFL players decided to protest during this week’s games. On September 23, at a rally for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Luther Strange, President Donald Trump called upon National Football League owners to fire NFL players…


This military hospital’s social media cluster-you-know-what checks all the wrong boxes

Originally, I was toying with titling this post, “What Employers Can Learn From Military Nurses Who Pose Newborns Dancing to 50 Cent, Give Them The Finger, And Then Snap A Video And Photo Captioned, ‘How I currently feel about these mini Satans.’” But, yesterday’s blog title was so long already.…


Company forces employee to sign a confidentiality statement or be fired, plays itself.

If you’re going to draw a line in the sand by telling an employee to sign something or be fired, here’s a pro tip: Make sure that whatever you want signed isn’t unlawful. Late last month, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals (here) stamped a National Labor Relations Board decision,…


A recreational marijuana user was blowin’ hella smoke with these FMLA arguments.

  Remember that scene in Animal House, the one where Donald Sutherland is sitting around with Katy and the some of the Deltas, smoking pot and discussing solar systems and atoms on the fingernail of a giant being?  I kinda had that feeling as I read this recent opinion in…


A “too cute” employee, her boss’s ex-Playmate wife, and maybe some sex discrimination

Honestly, I generally try not to resort to clickbait ledes or trending terms like Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Solar Eclipse, Game of Thrones finale spoilers, and leaked Apple iPhone 8 images, to increase web traffic. That’s beneath a professional ***fart*** blogger like me. But, since you’re here, please form a single-file…