
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


A new bill in Congress will end forced arbitration of employment claims. But, will it pass?

Image Credit: In a statement issued earlier this week, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) announced that he would “not rest” until Congress passed “historic legislation to end forced arbitration.” I have a feeling Mr. Nadler is going to be pretty tired. But, let’s see what this is all…


A company allegedly fired a woman because she got an abortion. But, is that illegal?

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay A Louisiana woman claimed that, back in September 2017, she told her employer that she had become pregnant and that she was planning on having an abortion. The woman then alleged that, during her time off from work, the company violated the Pregnancy Discrimination Act…


How in the world did a DEAD person get suspended for racist behavior?!?

Uncredited [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsNot only that but two different employers disciplined the same dead person on the same day. Last Friday, I was on the road in Cleveland doing some anti-harassment training for managers and supervisors. Minutes before my second session, I glanced down at my phone to…


Yes, you can be fired for cursing about clients in the office bathroom

MarkBuckawicki [CC0], via Wikimedia CommonsIf I were the boss, I’d fire anyone for talking in a public office restroom. Period. Full stop. But, carrying on and cursing about clients of the company is certainly a terminable offense. Just ask the National Labor Relations Board. Here’s the setup: Two employees entered…


If you could only listen to one HR-compliance podcast episode…

Font Awesome Free 5.2.0 by @fontawesome – [CC BY 4.0]Let’s do something a little different today. I’m giving my typing fingers (and your reading eyes) a little extra R&R. Last week I hung out with my HR friend Ira Wolfe and his co-host, Keith Campagna, to discuss a variety…


Imagine your employee signing a release and then suing you. That would stink, wouldn’t it?

Image Credit: ( Wait. Could the really happen? Oh, I read a federal court opinion last night where it’s happening right now. And I’ve got the details for you. But, first, let’s remember that what I’m about to share with you are facts pled in a complaint, and there…


Survey says that artificial intelligence may actually promote bias, rather than help to eliminate it

Image Credit: ( Wait, what? Last week, I participated in a Pennsylvania Bar Institute Continuing Legal Education program entitled, “Law’s New ABC’s: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency.” During that conference, I led panel discussions on how human resources can deploy artificial intelligence and the legal implications of paying employees…


A reporter sought an interview with a Senate candidate, but said a little bit more — TMI — after she thought she had hung up the phone.

Image Credit: ( Spoiler alert: She got fired. Many of us have been there. Someone walks into your office, calls you on the phone, emails or texts you, or whatever it is the Millenials do these days. That encounter rubs you the wrong way. And you respond instinctively, words…


Deaf lifeguards, deaf truck drivers, and the dangers of stereotyping an individual with a disability.

Image Credit: ( If you’ve been to one of my live Americans with Disability Act HR presentations, you’ve heard talk about a deaf lifeguard. (If you haven’t and want a copy of my presentation, well, all you have to do is ask.) In Keith v. County of Oakland, a…