
Articles Posted in Hiring & Firing


How would you deal with an employee caught on camera mocking George Floyd’s death?

Image credit: J_avant81 on Instagram NBC10 Philadelphia reports here that a corrections officer in  New Jersey mocked George Floyd’s death as protesters marched past. Jason Avant, a former wide receiver for the Philadelphia Eagles, shared a video of it on Instagram (NSFW). Although there is political propaganda in the video,…


Oh, here’s one more protest-related social media firing. And it’s a doozie!

LA Galaxy / CC BY-SA Ok, there is one more social-media related termination that we need to discuss. The virtual ink had barely dried on last Friday’s post about “13 people who were fired for ignorant COVID-19 and protest social media posts” when BOOM! reported here that a professional…


Can an employer and employee agree to a furlough instead of FMLA leave?

By Dukesy68 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link On Friday, my friend, Jeff Nowak, blogged at his FMLA Insights blog about whether an employee may take FMLA leave during a furlough? And that got me re-thinking a question that he and I had discussed before, namely, can an employer…


13 people who were fired for ignorant COVID-19 and protest social media posts

National Archives at College Park / Public domain I don’t usually take pleasure in the misfortune of others. At least not to their face. But over the past week or so I’ve been bombarded with Google alerts about ignorant people who seem not to appreciate the difference between freedom of…


This case has nothing to do with COVID-19. But, it could prevent a return-to-work lawsuit.

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay As part of return-to-work from COVID-19, sadly, some employees are not going to return to work. I’m not talking about those situations in which an employee refuses to return. That’s a different post for a different day. No, I’m thinking about a situation in…


One employee learned that, even during a COVID-19 pandemic, social media rants can have harsh consequences

Image by Andrey_Lesya from Pixabay Amazingly, this piece of cloth creates so much civil unrest right now. But, this isn’t a blog post about whether individuals should have to wear face masks in public, at work, or other local businesses. It’s been a while since I’ve done a social media…


Three chances to hang out with me and talk COVID-19 and other HR stuff. Plus, new COBRA Notices!!!

Michael Allen Smith from Seattle, USA / CC BY-SA Perhaps, the wrong COBRA. We’ll sort that out in a bit. But first I’ve got to tell you all about some free HR-compliance stuff. Kinda like this blog. (I really must re-think my business plan.) (sigh). Today at 2 PM EDT/…