
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave


🚨DORK ALERT!🚨 The DOL answers some nerdy COVID-19 FMLA and FLSA questions.

Image Credit: Perhaps they wanted to upstage my triumphant return to Zoom for a COVID-19 HR lunchtime happy hour spectacular, which is this tomorrow at noon EDT (register here). On Monday, the U.S. Department of Labor issued new COVID-19 guidance under the Fair Labor Standards Act and Family and…


Bah Gawd! There’s more FMLA news!!! And the return of the Friday Zoom lunchtime happy hour!

Via Giphy You asked for it! Mark your calendars for Friday, July 24 at Noon EDT. That’s when I’ll be back with another HR COVID-19 Zoom chat. Go ahead and register now (here) while space is still available. My special guest this week is Stephanie Mensing, Esquire. Stephanie’s practice focuses…


Your state just imposed new quarantine rules for out-of-state travel. Now what?

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay A client emailed me yesterday asking if I’d read about the new COVID-19 quarantine restrictions for travelers to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Specifically, the client asked whether they could trigger a need to provide leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Maybe your…


FFCRA leave and holidays, how does that work anyway?

// Hogaboom on Flickr Not this Independence Day. Although, it does feel like it this year, amirite? Yesterday, a reader emailed me. “Hey Eric, Have an employee out on COVID leave… Friday’s is a holiday, how do we pay? COVID or Holiday?” I’m going to assume that this is one…


VLOG: Why I’m not eligible for FFCRA leave this summer, but you might be.

Image by Annalise Batista from Pixabay Late last week, the U.S. Department of Labor issued this Field Assistance Bulletin. It addresses when employees can take Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) leave based on the closure of summer camps, summer enrichment programs, and other summer programs. Last night, I recorded…


Can an employer and employee agree to a furlough instead of FMLA leave?

By Dukesy68 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link On Friday, my friend, Jeff Nowak, blogged at his FMLA Insights blog about whether an employee may take FMLA leave during a furlough? And that got me re-thinking a question that he and I had discussed before, namely, can an employer…


This case has nothing to do with COVID-19. But, it could prevent a return-to-work lawsuit.

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay As part of return-to-work from COVID-19, sadly, some employees are not going to return to work. I’m not talking about those situations in which an employee refuses to return. That’s a different post for a different day. No, I’m thinking about a situation in…


Wait, what?!? We’ve got ANOTHER coronavirus-related lawsuit where THE PLAINTIFF IS A LAWYER.

Image Credit: (Public Domain) Earlier this month, I told you about an attorney who claimed that her former employer wrongfully discharged her for refusing to violate a stay-at-home order. Now, we’ve got another lawyer-plaintiff, this time claiming that his former employer fired him for taking FMLA leave when after…


An employer with more than 500 employees was sued for violating the FFCRA. Now, I’m confused. 😕

Virginia Retail from Virginia, USA / CC BY How did one of the largest supermarket chains in the world, a Fortune 50 company, possibly violate the Families First Coronavirus Response Act? Allegedly. Let’s find out as we delve into this unusual federal court complaint filed last month in Indiana. Most of…