
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave


Are you in HR for a multistate employer? You can be sued individually for FMLA violations … in another state!

Image Credit: I’ll wait while you clean your screen of the coffee you just spewed from your mouth. Here’s a not-so-hypothetical situation: You’re a compensation and benefits manager working out of Connecticut. One of your employees — let’s call her Plaintiff — lives in Delaware but works at a…


What REALLY happens when an employee doesn’t return completed FMLA paperwork?

medical form by Linseed Studio from the Noun Project I think we all need a break from the COVID-19 vaccination posts. So, let’s address your second-favorite HR topic: FMLA leave administration!!! Hey, put down that bottle! It’s only 8 am. I’ve got a not-so-hypothetical for you. Let’s say that you…


Could Shock G a/k/a Humpty Hump have used FMLA leave to get a nose job?

All right! Stop whatcha doin’. ‘Cause I’m about to — school you on the Family and Medical Leave Act. Yes, it’s another hip hop employment law lesson, this time honoring the late great Gregory Edward Jacobs a/k/a Shock G a/k/a Humpty Hump. Shock G’s alter ego Humpty Hump was the…


Before I get into that new CDC mask guidance, I owe you two more tips to avoid FMLA abuse

I still don’t regret buying this Krusty The Clown buff. Not one bit. On Monday, I’ll give you a thorough breakdown of yesterday’s CDC guidance for fully vaccinated individuals, including some initial thoughts on how to revise return-to-work/COVID-19 workplace policies. But now I want to pick up where I left…


A federal appellate court just hooked you up with three tips to erase FMLA abuse (Although, technically, I’m the one hooking you up because you’re reading them here in this blog post. But, who’s counting?) Ok, fine, thank you, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, for this opinion. It involves a woman who missed a lot of work. Too much work, as the case may…


President Biden unveiled his paid family leave plan –12 weeks and up to $4K per month. But, will it happen?

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Shout out to the White House for providing plenty of blog fodder this week. On Tuesday, I told you about President Biden’s plan to unionize, like, everyone. Yesterday, the White House ordered that federal contractors…


Here’s why it’s important for employees returning from FMLA leave to certify that they are fit for duty

medical record by BomSymbols from the Noun Project I’m filing today’s post under “FMLA: Back to Basics.” Let’s say that you have an employee who is out on leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act due to a serious health condition. You want a doctor to certify that s/he…


An employer is learning the hard way that workers’ compensation is not a shield against the FMLA

Chrisdesign, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons I’m going to tell you about a Family and Medical Leave Act lawsuit that, IMHO, could have easily been avoided. But before I do that, in keeping with the theme of this post, I want to invite you to a special edition of The Employer…


A woman with back issues and trouble sitting for long stretches flew around the world to Thailand. FMLA abuse, much?

Image by net workerz from Pixabay Apparently, her employer and the court thought so. That ominous sequence does not portend a successful FMLA lawsuit. Yet, that didn’t stop our plaintiff today from filing suit. Here are the underlying facts: The plaintiff asked her employer (the defendant) for permission to vacation…