
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave


Atten-shun! Expanded military leave FMLA rules are coming…

The United States Department of Labor announced here yesterday that it is issuing proposed rules that would expand military family leave provisions under the Family and Medical Leave Act and incorporate a special eligibility provision for airline flight crew employees. Details and links after the jump… * * * The…


U.S. Department of Labor has new FLSA and FMLA fact sheets

Last month, the U.S. Department of Labor published new fact sheets on its website. Employers and employees alike will want to check these out: Here is a link to the FLSA fact sheet. This fact sheet provides general information concerning the FLSA’s prohibition of retaliating against any employee who has…


Fact or Fiction: If you don’t say “FMLA”, you can’t take FMLA leave?

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post”. So, let’s get right to today’s question: That Eddie Employee is a gamer. While filling up at the Gas-N-Gulp on…


Oh, baby? An employee’s pre-eligibility FMLA request is protected

Back in 2005, a Pennsylvania federal court recognized in this opinion that an employee’s FMLA rights become sacrosanct upon requesting FMLA — even if the employee is not yet FMLA-eligible — provided that the employee has satisfied all FMLA service requirements when the FMLA begins. Where would this most likely arise?…


Your favorite “The Employer Handbook” posts from 2011

  As the year draws to a close, let’s take a look back at the most popular posts at The Employer Handbook in 2011, based on number of hits: 5. Social media and the workplace. School teacher Natalie Munroe made several appearances on the blog this year. Remember her? She…