Coming soon, so says Senator Tom Harkin here. Known as the “Healthy Families Act,” this bill was introduced in the House in 2009, and again in both the House and Senate in 2011, but never got much traction. But now, in addition to Senator Harkin, former President Bill Clinton is stumping…
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave
Facebook photos from a Mexican vacation foil an employee’s FMLA claims
Image Credit: I have three kids, ages three and under. So a vacation for me is the half hour of quiet time I get in the bathroom every morning. It’s not like the old days. I remember Spring Break ’97 in the Bahamas. Sun, beach, water sports, and a couple…
Employees who no-call/no-show for a month lose FMLA lawsuits
Before going any further, allow me to wish a Happy Belated 20th Birthday to the Family and Medical Leave Act. What can I say? I plumb forgot. To atone, I got Fammy Med a Walkman. (Kids, that’s what we used to listen to music in 1993. It doesn’t walk and…
3 essential FMLA tools for your HR-compliance arsenal
Three easy ways to tackle FMLA issues, without having to call someone like me. I’ll explain after the jump… * * * An employee gets open-heart surgery, but no FMLA. I was reading this case the other day about an employee who needed to take time off to have open-heart…
My 5 best posts of 2012, as selected by the world’s best readers*
*Do I need a disclaimer? Do I? What a year for The Employer Handbook in 2012! I’m most pleased that, in our second year of existence, readership more than doubled. Although, sadly, the one 2011 reader I had from Papua New Guinea never returned in 2012. I hope she is…
How Employer Words and Actions Can Make FMLA Apply, Even When It Doesn’t
Today we have a guest blogger at The Employer Handbook. It’s one of my fave employment lawyers from Twitter, Chuck Lawson. Chuck is a member of the Labor and Employment group at Grant Konvalinka & Harrison, P.C., where he specializes in all phases of the employer-employee relationship, including wage and…
Fact or Fiction: Breaks/lunch taken at work may qualify for FMLA
That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” The Family and Medical Leave Act permits employees to take leave on an intermittent basis or to work a reduced…
HR testifies that employee firing was FMLA retaliation (you read that right)
Better settle the case, right? Not if you’re Flannery Oaks Guest House. Instead, you move for summary judgment and try to get your former employee’s FMLA retaliation claim dismissed. Was Andy Reid or Norv Turner calling that play? How do you think it worked out for ole Flannery Oaks? (Hint:…
Employment Law Blog Carnival: Hollywood Casting Call Edition
Welcome everyone to the Employment Law Blog Carnival: Hollywood Casting Call Edition. [Editor’s Note: The original theme for this post was the “Employment Law Blog Carnival: Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Edition.” I had this bright idea to begin by cutting and pasting the lyrics to Guns N’ Roses’ “My…
Facebook pics of employee boozing at a festival ruin her FMLA claim
About a year-and-a-half into Sara Jaszczyszyn’s employment with Advantage Health Physician Network (“Advantage”), she began taking intermittent FMLA leave for back pain that which she stated left her “completely incapacitated.” About five weeks into her leave, several of her coworkers saw pictures of her on Facebook consuming adult beverages at…