That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” (Indeed, today, I’m so damn lazy, that I’m republishing a post from last year) One of your employees is currently…
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave
If you have salespeople who take FMLA leave, drop everything and read this
You know it’s not that often that you read about a worker who prevails — before trial — on her claim that her former employer interfered with her ability to take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. But, I’ve got one for you after the jump. * *…
Firing an employee for showing up to work drunk doesn’t violate the FMLA, you guys
Much in the same way that you don’t need to accommodate an employee who shows up drunk on Mike’s Hard Lemonade. This is the stuff they don’t teach you in your PHR course curriculum, amirite? More after the jump… * * * So, this guy was working for brokerage proactice…
What you need to know about the FMLA (in a sweet infographic)
Thank you to my friends at BambooHR for passing this along:
Telling an employee returning from open-heart surgery, “Don’t die at the desk” is bad. Very bad.
Also, threatening to drag that employee outside and throw him in a ditch. Yeah, that may fracture a law or two. I’m thinking the Family and Medical Leave Act. Heck, even the Taliban would frown on that. I got more on this for you after the jump… Terry Baier worked…
HR CHEATSHEET: When an employee texts you from an Ebola quarantine tent
Five minutes ago, after taking the obligatory selfies and between games of Candy Crush, one of your employees texted (because, calling in, as if!) from an Ebola quarantine tent to alert you that she will be out of work for 21 days, while under observation for Ebola. As an employer,…
You’d think emailing FMLA paperwork would be ok. Yeah, you’d think that.
Remember, over the Summer, when I blogged about how sending FMLA paperwork to an employee via first class mail is a big mistake. Why? Because if the employee claims not to have received the paperwork, then you have no proof of delivery, and possible FMLA interference issues if the employee…
An orgasm on a treadmill explodes an employee’s FMLA claim
Yep, that’s what I said. More on this after the jump… * * * When Rheanne met the unemployment line. Rheanne Halker was a server at Bob Evans Farms. Hey, speaking of restaurants and orgasms… Anyway, Bob Evans Farms has an employee handbook. One of the rules in the handbook…
Here’s why you provide a list of essential job functions when approving FMLA
Trial is over! I’m coming atcha live and direct from the bloggerdome with a sweet defense verdict in my pocket. Yup, yup! [cue music] [cue music] And what do I come back to? A precedential Third Circuit opinion discussing an employee’s right to return to work from FMLA. I’ll cover…
FMLA 101: Don’t make an employee work during leave. Just don’t.
Really. It’s a bad idea. Like my youngest son using chopsticks and a fork at the same time to eat pho. Ok, not that bad. But, definitely blogworthy. More on this HR lesson after the jump… * * * I read this case over the weekend about an employee who,…