With four years of blogging under my belt, I have a pretty good sense of what may audience comes to expect from this labor and employment law blog: typos grammar errors snark “where does Eric find this stuff” posts For today’s post, I don’t have enough hats to tip to…
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave
For ADA and accommodating employee disabilities, think ‘Burger King’
ADA and Burger King?!? Has someone been eating too many Whoppers? No. But I did spend a 20 minute Uber ride yesterday sucking down mustard packets. Actually, the inspiration for this post comes from Seattle Attorney, Michael Harrington, who presented “The Wild, the Weird and the Wonderful FMLA/ADAAA Cases…And the Lessons…
Remember, you guys. The “L” in FMLA stands for Leave.
This one goes out to all of you employees who are contemplating a claim against a former employer for violating the Family and Medical Leave Act. Read this federal court opinion and make a mental note: when you voluntarily work from home, that’s not “leave” under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Yep,…
Can you refuse to hire someone for filing an FMLA lawsuit against a prior employer?
Oh, that collective sigh of relief of not receiving a daily email update yesterday from The Employer Handbook. (Yes, you can sign up to receive daily email alerts to my blog). Folks, I’m sorry. Monday, I was a deadbeat; I didn’t pay my MailChimp bill. So, if you rely upon…
Ditch those inflexible leave policies, would you already? #FMLA #ADA #EEOC
Yesterday, with my good buddies Casey Sipe and Jessica Miller-Merrell from Blogging4Jobs.com, I presented a webinar on the interplay between the Family and Medical Leave Act, state workers’ compensation laws, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The key word in the last sentence being “interplay.” (By the way, if you want to…
How a few missing employee handbook words may open your FMLA floodgates
You wouldn’t want to make the same egregious mistake as a Michigan employer. After the jump, I’ll discuss the colossal screw-up and help you avoid it. Don’t worry. I’ll wait and listen to some Foo Fighters while you go grab your FMLA policy. [Two bad words near the end of the…
FMLA hits home
A gentle reminder that eligible employees can take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent — but not a parent “in-law”) with a serious health condition, like a bad respiratory illness that requires hospitalization. Please send some good vibes…
FACT OR FICTION: Snow + Office Closed = FMLA Day
That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” (Indeed, today, I’m so damn lazy, that I’m republishing a post from last year) One of your employees is currently…
If you have salespeople who take FMLA leave, drop everything and read this
You know it’s not that often that you read about a worker who prevails — before trial — on her claim that her former employer interfered with her ability to take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. But, I’ve got one for you after the jump. * *…
Firing an employee for showing up to work drunk doesn’t violate the FMLA, you guys
Much in the same way that you don’t need to accommodate an employee who shows up drunk on Mike’s Hard Lemonade. This is the stuff they don’t teach you in your PHR course curriculum, amirite? More after the jump… * * * So, this guy was working for brokerage proactice…