
Articles Posted in Family and Medical Leave


Another employee emerges victorious in a social media legal skirmish. And, this one’s got an FMLA twist.

I was wondering how I’d top yesterday’s lesson on how to curse out your boss, his mom, and his entire family on Facebook…and keep your job. So, how about we do Family and Medical Leave Act and social media in one post! Yasssssssssssss! At this blog, that’s like the HR-compliance…


Call me, maybe? The FMLA requires much more!

  Can you believe this song is five years old? Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employee must follow the employer’s “usual and customary” procedures for requesting FMLA leave absent “unusual circumstances.” True dat. True dat. Employee fails to follow a detailed call-out procedure; gets suspended. In Acker…


Join me for a free ACA / ADA / FMLA event next month!

Do employee-leave issues and ACA woes have you feeling like this? Well, next month, my friends at Kistler Tiffany and I have got your back. We’re presenting two free, live seminars to help you tackle your ACA, ADA, and FMLA issues. The first will be on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 from 9:30 AM…


How about we connect at the SHRM Employment Law & Legislative Conference?

Are you headed to Washington, DC for SHRM’s 2017 Employment Law and Legislative Conference on March 13-15? I’d love to meet up with you. Well, unless you’re really creepy. Forget about trying to grab me after my ADA/FMLA session. You’ll be one of dozens of HR professionals sprinting to the front of…


You don’t have a gun. You don’t have a badge. Don’t be the FMLA police!

You know, it’s one thing to communicate with employees on FMLA to express concern for their well-being or determine whether they plan to return to work as scheduled. But, when you turn into the FMLA Police, that’s when problems ensue. [cue music] Don’t do this. Consider this recent Eleventh Circuit…


Oh, hey! A paid family leave bill has made its way back to Congress.

A little over three years ago, I blogged here about the Senate and House each introducing the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act. (FAMILY Act). The FAMILY Act, which never made it out of Congress to President Obama, would have created a national paid family and medical leave program for all workers,…


Go ahead and bookmark this post for top FMLA cases of 2017

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has issued its first precedential decision confirming that the honest-belief doctrine defeats a retaliation claim under the Family and Medical Leave Act. In plain English, the court in Capps v. Mondelez Global, LLC concluded that an employer can fire an employee whom it truly believes…