Articles Posted in Don’t Do This


DON’T DO THIS: Misclassify your employees as independent contractors

United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons While not quite as outrageous as slavery, ignorance, or misogyny, today’s edition of “Don’t Do This” will apply most practically to readers of this blog. Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor officially withdrew its “Independent Contractor Rule.” The DOL had…


DON’T DO THIS: Party with vodka and strippers at work during a pandemic

vodka by Oksana Latysheva from the Noun Project The headline in the Toronto Sun read, “Sex-partying drywallers fired: Contractor.” Meanwhile, the Daily Star went with “Builders sacked after video of boozy birthday party with stripper goes viral.” And I thought to myself that since I’m running this “DON’T DO THIS”…


DON’T DO THIS: Threaten to fire employees that get a COVID-19 vaccination

Image Credit: Google Street View Today’s edition of “DON’T DO THIS” comes from an unlikely source: The Howard Stern Show. Yesterday afternoon, while catching the replay of The Howard Stern Show in the pick-up line at my kids’ school (#responsibleparenting), I heard them discussing a private school in Florida that…