
Articles Posted in Sexual Orientation


President Obama to ban LGBT discrimination by federal contractors — eventually

Share the news: President Obama will prohibit federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. — The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 16, 2014 The White House announced the news yesterday via Twitter. Just two years ago, the White House indicated that President Obama would not…


PA Gov. Corbett announces support for ban on LGBT workplace discrimination

Over the Summer, I reported here that about companion Pennsylvania bills introduced in the House and Senate that would outlaw both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in the workplace. Each bill had bipartisan support, but it was unclear how Governor Corbett (R) would act if a bill was placed…


ENDA — a bill banning LGBT workplace discrimination — passes the Senate

And it wasn’t close at all. By a final vote of 64-32, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, also known as ENDA, passed the Senate on Thursday. All 52 Democrats, plus 2 Independents and 10 Republicans voted in favor of the bill. Among the notable yes votes was Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey…


Senate on the brink of approving bill to improve LGBT workplace rights

Earlier this week, I blogged about Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) promising that the Senate would take up the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Yesterday, the Senate obtained enough support to put ENDA to a full vote. Every Senate Democrat agreed to press forward. And even some Republicans helped get the bill to…


Let’s play: What did Senator Harry Reid say to affect your workplace?

Earlier this week, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) offered some pointed remarks from the Senate floor. He blasted “radical Tea Party Republicans,” lambasted “mainstream Republican colleagues, who remained silent even as the anarchists among us committed political malpractice,” and then proclaimed, “This work period, the Senate will consider the…” a. “…Twerk…


New PA bill would ban sexual orientation, gender identity discrimination

Twenty-one states and the District of Columbia have laws banning workplace discrimination in the private sector on the basis of sexual orientation. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which currently bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in public employment, may soon become the latest state to ban…


That’s what they said: Lotsa NLRB news, and an employment-law carnival

So much labor-and-employment-law news this week, I’ll do what I can to cram it into a single post. Here goes… From Seth Borden at Labor Relations Today comes this news about the Senate agreeing to — gasp — seat a full five-member National Labor Relations Board. How could this happen?…


One step closer to federally-protected LGBT rights in the workplace

Normally, I get my Thursday post fodder from the Wiggity Wiggity Wonky Wednesday edition of Cracked Magazine. Hard hitting stuff like “7 Dick Moves Everyone Pulled in Classic Video Games” and “The Worst Imaginary Friends to Be Stuck With.” But, for today’s post, I read this newspaper called the Washington Post.…


Supreme Court DOMA ruling “In Plain English”; impact on employers

Want an explanation of yesterday Supreme Court decision regarding challenges to California’s ban on same-sex marriage and the federal Defense of Marriage Act, check out Amy Howe’s analysis “In Plain English” at And for more on yesterday’s decision and the impact it may have on your business, check out:…