
Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment


Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Matt Lauer

You were expecting, maybe, an FMLA post today? Another one bites the dust. [cue music] Just minutes before the Today Show went live yesterday on NBC, network chairman Andy Lack released a statement saying that a colleague had come forward reporting “inappropriate sexual behavior” from host Matt Lauer. Many news…


Want to keep settled sexual harassment claims confidential? It may cost you tax dollars.

Last week, I wrote here about proposed legislation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that would outlaw confidential settlements of sexual harassment claims. Now, the feds are getting into the act. The topic of sexual harassment has been front and center on Capitol Hill. Earlier this month, the Senate voted to require…


New bill would ban confidential settlements of sexual harassment claims in Pennsylvania

One of your supervisors has just been accused of sexual harassment. Rather than spend the money to litigate the case, your company decides to settle. Let’s go through the standard provisions: Settlement payment General release Non-admission Mutual non-disparagement Mutual confidentiality Ah, not so fast on that last one if your business is…


And in other sexual harassment news….EVERYTHING!!!

And here I thought we’d be able to make it to the weekend without another above-the-fold allegation of sexual harassment. Fortunately, I have some other helpful, related items… New sexual-harassment guidance from the EEOC coming soon. Jacquie Lee reporting for Bloomberg Law’s Daily Labor Report (here) writes that the U.S. Equal…


Would you require a new C-Suite hire to affirm no history of discrimination at work?

We’re still got about a month and a half to go, and the list of notable sexual harassers (allegedly) is growing faster than my youngest can eat her peas. Often, when we hire high-level executives, we resort to employment agreements. And in those employment agreements, we include provisions requiring the…


While not quite Harvey Weinstein claims, the allegations about this workplace will make your head spin.

My turn-ons include fantasy football and this ugly holiday sweater, which I cannot wait to debut this season. I also dig smart legal writing. Although, one could never discern that by perusing my dumpster fire of a law blog. To start to fix that, today, I’m going to quote liberally from a…


When an employee complaining about harassment tells a supervisor, “Let’s keep it between us for now.”

You’ve heard the expression “loose lips sink ships.” Well, the opposite holds true when an employee complains to a supervisor about workplace discrimination. You’ll see what I mean when we go back to yesterday’s post. That’s the one about the “unofficial” office happy hour that officially landed the employer in…


Court politely tells union where to stick its request to reinstate a member accused of sexual harassment.

***pops open can of Haterade*** A local Philadelphia-area school district employed a teacher/union advocate for about 10 years until it ended his employment on the grounds that he was creating a hostile work environment for his fellow teachers and making lewd and suggestive statements to students. Given that this is…