
Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment


Lawsuit: Open-mouth kisses, spanking, and nudity. No, this is most definitely not your typical pharmacy.

Image Credit: Google Street View I’ve been doing this employment law thing for many years now. It’s gotten to the point where little surprises me anymore. Yeah, about that. On Monday, Jon Hyman blogged about this recent federal court opinion at the Ohio Employer Law Blog in a post entitled, “The 1st nominee…


340,000 reasons to take harassment complaints about customers seriously

UnknownUnknown author [CC0 or CC0], via Wikimedia CommonsIf you know that one of your customers is getting all racist and handsy with employees, you have to do something about that. You know that, right? It would appear that one California employer didn’t get the memo. And the U.S. Equal Employment…


Employer sees something wrong with a little bump n’ grind, defeats sexual harassment lawsuit

Allgamenab at English Wikipedia [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsEat your heart out, R. Kelly. Earlier this Summer, I carried on about the decision from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Minarsky v. Susquehanna County. It’s a sexual harassment case, but not just any sexual harassment case. I called it the…


Google ends forced arbitration of sexual harassment claims. Should you? Then what?

Google Inc. [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsThe last month for Google has been big for tech and employment law nerds alike. And I just happen to check both boxes. On the tech side, Google released the latest versions of its flagship phone, the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.…


#MeToo went viral. But, how big has it really been on social media?!? I’ve got the numbers…

Image Credit: ( On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano urged socal media user to share their stories of sexual harassment using the hashtag #MeToo. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Of course, you have. As have the millions of others who have used the hashtag since. This post goes…


#MeToo began in late 2017. But, was there really a new surge of sexual harassment claims since? Let’s find out…

Image Credit: ( Yesterday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission released some preliminary sexual harassment data for the fiscal year 2018.  Based on preliminary data, in FY 2018: The EEOC filed 66 harassment lawsuits, including 41 that included allegations of sexual harassment. That reflects more than a 50 percent increase…


11 steps that you can take now to reduce harassment in your workplace

By Derek Jensen (Tysto) – Own work, Public Domain, Link That sounds more “glass-half-full” than “Don’t be like the Dallas Mavericks: 11 ways to avoid a Sports Illustrated report chronicling twenty years of allegations of sexual harassment and mismanagement in your workplace.” Yeah, I’m comfortable with the title of today’s blog post.…


Here’s what a report from a huuuuuuuuuuge sexual harassment investigation looks like

By [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsHave you ever seen a sexual harassment investigative report? Maybe wondered what’s in it? (If that doesn’t interest you, click away and come back tomorrow. We’ll talk about recommendations to avoid harassment in your workplace.) However, if you’d like to learn more about what…


Yes, visitors to your workplace can also create hostile work environments for your employees.

By Thomas Quine (Beware of wild animals attack) [CC BY 2.0 ], via Wikimedia CommonsDid you know that a visitor to your workplace can create a hostile work environment for one or more of your employees? The kind of hostile work environment that can result in a quarter-million-dollar jury award.…


What happens when a sexual assault victim is later accused of sexual assault? #MeToo

Georges Biard [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], from Wikimedia CommonsOver the weekend, there were several reports (including this one from Kim Severson at the New York Times) that Asia Argento paid out a large settlement to a man who accused Ms. Argento of sexually assaulting him in a hotel room when he…