
Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment


Employer wins lawsuit despite a “pattern of systematic sexual harassment”

In Mann v. Staples, Inc., a female employee received unwelcome comments about her appearance and physique, was kissed and groped, and called a “skank ass bitch.” The New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division, described this as a “pattern of systemic sexual harassment” — one in which the alleged harasser appeared…


Facebooking about “naked Twister” may doom one’s sexual harassment claims

And some of you wonder why I enjoy blogging about HR and employment law. More after the jump… (What I won’t do for my loyal readers….) In Targonksi v. City of Oak Ridge, the plaintiff, a former police officer with the City, alleged that her former employer had permitted her…


Retaliatory voodoo, Courtney Love, and lots of unpaid $$$

Sounds like a bad batch of Pennyroyal Tea. Just another Tuesday here at the ole Handbook. <div style=”text-align: right;”>The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting here that Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain’s widow, is reuniting the band ** thank you for sparing our ear holes ** being sued by a former assistant…


Boss fires HR Manager to whom he sent w-2 (by w-2, I mean lots of porn)

A long-time county employee in Florida, who served as HR Manager, is set to file a federal discrimination complaint against her former employer, claiming that she was sexually harassed at work and later fired after complaining. The employer claims that it fired the employee for making false sexual discrimination claims…


More office romances; more anti-harassment training

A recent survey by Workplace Options, shows that most Generation-Y employees believe that an office romance will have a positive influence on performance and overall workplace morale. Sounds like a Cialis commercial. Who says I need to wait for Valentine’s Day for this post? Losers, that’s who. Lock the broom…


But, you see judge, it was only “exotic dancer” harassment…

I’ve come up with some pretty creative defenses to unlawful harassment. Usually, however, before I file a pleading, I take out my trusty red pen iPad and delete those arguments that are just so outrageous that I feel my client will lose credibility with the court. But that’s just me. After…


Supervisor’s advice to sexually-harassed employee: “Pray…”

Worst. advice. ever. More on this doozy involving two Denny’s waitresses after the jump… * * * Two Denny’s waitresses have filed this complaint in CA Superior Court alleging that their manager sexually harassed them and, when they complained to another Denny’s manager, they wore told, “Pray about the situation.”…


Nothing good comes of forcing employees to go to brothels

And, then, there are those that allegedly do. It is on those occasions that this blog can practically write itself. Take, for example, AutoNation. According to a complaint recently filed in California state court — well, let’s just say that AutoNation better have some good lawyers. A copy of the…