
Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment


YYYOUCH! Employee fired for refusing Brazilian wax claims sex discrimination.

You know, maybe I should have gone with the porta-potty-harassment post that I originally had planned for today. Nah. My analytics tell me that my best-received posts have a common theme: crotch and Brazil. Besides, everyone knows that nothing says Friday like a porta-potty post. Just wait ’til Friday. So…


Is rejecting a sexual advance, without reporting it, protected activity?

Of all employment claims presented to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, retaliation numero uno. It’s been that way since 2010. There are three essential elements of a retaliation claim: (1) protected activity — opposition to discrimination or participation in the statutory complaint process; (2) adverse action; and (3) causal connection…


An EEOC complaint is not your free pass to goof off at work

Or sexually harass your co-workers. Unless, of course, you consider my working Hollywood manuscript: “An EEOC Complaint Is Your Free Pass to Sexually Harass.” I know, the title needs work, but with C. Thomas Howell, Tawny Kitaen real star power and a producer. ** Immediately regrets sixth shot of Drambuie with breakfast…


Repeatedly discussing your employee’s sex life with her is bad, you guys.

Duh, right? Still, a federal appellate court recently reminded us (here) that, indeed, bad things happen when, every week for several months, a male supervisor tells his female subordinate that her husband is “not taking care of [her] in bed.” Though not threatening, they were more than merely offensive. For…


Who are YOU to tell ME that I’m not offended by sexual harassment?!?

The original working title for the post was “The Third Circuit takes a deuce on my ‘Pottymouths’ post.” I meant it in the figurative sense. Otherwise, I would be at a loss for words with IT. More so than usual… {Napalms browser history} But, fortunately, good taste and high morals…