
Articles Posted in Sexual Harassment


Huge $5M EEOC settlement spotlights an enforcement priority that you may be overlooking

In late December of 2012, the EEOC approved its Strategic Enforcement Plan for 2013-2016. Sadly, one of the agency’s enforcement priorities has been ignored on this blog. Until now. Protecting Immigrant, Migrant and Other Vulnerable Workers. There are six EEOC enforcement priorities. While there is no hierarchy among the six,…


It’s another “when a hostile work environment isn’t a hostile work environment” post

Second verse, same as the first. (But read it anyway to pad my blog stats, would ya?) All of us have heard the words “hostile work environment” bandied about to the point where the most minor slight in the office can supposedly create a hostile work environment. Well, as a…


A federal judge in Alabama holds that Title VII covers sexual-orientation discrimination

Who would have guessed that, in a state without a state administrative agency to accept discrimination charges, where only age discrimination is against state law, a federal judge would rule that sexual orientation is considered sex discrimination and, therefore, a violation of Title VII. A groundbreaking decision. Yes, late last month, Judge Myron…


EEOC Commissioner Feldblum responds to my post about transgender discrimination

You’re right, Commissioner Feldblum. Social media is awesome! Last Friday, I posted here about a recent federal-court decision addressing the sex discrimination claims of a transgender employee. What drew my attention to the case was this Facebook status update from EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum, in which she touted the court’s decision as further support for…