
Articles Posted in Sex


YYYOUCH! Employee fired for refusing Brazilian wax claims sex discrimination.

You know, maybe I should have gone with the porta-potty-harassment post that I originally had planned for today. Nah. My analytics tell me that my best-received posts have a common theme: crotch and Brazil. Besides, everyone knows that nothing says Friday like a porta-potty post. Just wait ’til Friday. So…


When a hostile work environment isn’t a hostile work environment

Every so often, I get a call from an employee. The call goes something like this: “I need an employment lawyer. Are you an employment lawyer?” “Yes.” “Good. Because I am dealing with a hostile work environment.” “Well, I generally only represent employers. So—” “— But, my hostile work environment…


Four ways to successfully defend an Equal Pay Act claim

This blog is nearly 2 1/2 years old and we have our first Equal Pay Act post. The Equal Pay Act requires equal pay for equal work on jobs the performance of which require equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions. Any wage discrimination on…


POLL RESULTS: Here’s what you said about the #Donglegate firing

For much of the week, I’ve blogged about Adria Richards, the employee who got fired for tweeting complaints about discrimination. On Monday, I offered my legal analysis (here). On Tuesday, I followed that up with this simple poll that purported to remove the law from the equation: Was the decision…


POLL: Was the #Donglegate firing fair?

Whew! Got a little carried away with yesterday’s post about the employee who got fired for tweeting complaints about discrimination, didn’t I? Then again, I’m not the one who came up with the hashtag #donglegate. Yesterday, I offered my legal analysis. Today, I want your non-legal opinion: SendGrid’s decision to fire…


Employee gets fired for tweeting complaints about discrimination

Is this Retaliation 2.0? Two weeks ago, Adria Richards attended an industry conference at which she overheard sexual jokes from two attendees sitting behind her during a session. So, she complained…on Twitter: Not cool.Jokes about forking repo’s in a sexual way and “big” dongles.Right behind me #pycon… — Adria…