
Articles Posted in Sex


Can a man claim pregnancy discrimination? A man, baby!

Austin Powers, Eric? Yeah, sorry. I’m all tapped out after yesterday’s fantasy football spectacular. So, pregnancy-discrimination, eh? The facts in Estate of Andrew Tyler Pennington v. Southern Motion, Inc. (opinion here) are rather straightforward. Mr. Pennington worked for Southern Motion, Inc. According to the plaintiff, shortly before Mr. Pennington’s employment with Southern Motion…


A “too cute” employee, her boss’s ex-Playmate wife, and maybe some sex discrimination

Honestly, I generally try not to resort to clickbait ledes or trending terms like Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Solar Eclipse, Game of Thrones finale spoilers, and leaked Apple iPhone 8 images, to increase web traffic. That’s beneath a professional ***fart*** blogger like me. But, since you’re here, please form a single-file…


DOJ: Federal law does not protect gay employees from discrimination at work

On the same day that President Donald Trump tweeted that the military should ban transgender people from serving, the U.S. Department of Justice doubled down. That is, in a pleading filed yesterday in a federal appellate court, the United States of America revealed its position that our federal laws that protect…


The stage is now set for the Supreme Court to resolve gay rights at work

That according to Lambda Legal, a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of the LGBT community. From last week’s Lambda Legal press release: Lambda Legal announced it will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied its…


A guy walks into a bar … and gets discriminated against because of his sex (allegedly)

Proving that it’s not just women who are victims of sex discrimination, I’ve got news of a new EEOC lawsuit alleging that a company refused to hire a male applicant because of his sex. Unlike yesterday’s post, this has nothing to do with Silicon Valley. Silicone, however? Maybe. You see, that “bar”…

Posted in: Sex

HELP WANTED: CEO, especially one who isn’t a damn knuckledragger!

In February, a female Uber employee blogging under the pseudonym Amy Vertino blew the lid off of what she alleged to be a corporate culture of misogyny and other rampant discrimination. Recently, there have been several additional high-profile stories of alleged sex discrimination and harassment at the very top of the ladder.…


Because of Sex.

…and because that title has a better ring than “Court Concludes Plaintiff Failed to Establish a Hostile Work Environment as a Matter of Law.” [cue music] Clickbait aside, there’s a point to today’s post. In a way, today’s lesson involves sex education. (Enough already! Stop it, Eric. You’ve got ’em).…

Posted in: Sex

Court says setting salary based on pay history is ok. Just don’t base salary on gender. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When you have a man and woman performing the same job, you pay ’em the same. Otherwise, you’re violating the Equal Pay Act. Except, an employer can argue that a pay differential is lawful when it’s “based on any other factor other than sex.” [cue music] So, for example, when I’m…

Posted in: Sex

A federal appellate court finally recognizes LGBT rights at work

The trailblazing Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals achieved a monumental result. And it only took 53 years after the enactment of Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964. Below, I have a breakdown of yesterday’s historic decision in Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College. Let’s start with the court’s…