
Articles Posted in Retaliation


Can you legally fire a “victim” whom you honestly believe has fabricated a discrimination complaint at work?

Image Credit: (CC0 public domain license) Let’s answer one of the most common questions that I receive when I speak at HR events. The answer is yes, according to this recent federal court decision. I’ll explain why in a bit, but let’s start with the unique facts. The plaintiff…


Here’s a list of things that don’t count as retaliation, starting with making faces.

Image by Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay When an employee sues for retaliation after complaining about discrimination, he must prove that he suffered “a materially adverse action” for doing so. Usually, that amounts to discharges, demotions, refusals to hire, refusals to promote, and reprimands. But, how…


Why did a transgender employee who needed leave from work lose claims for both sex and disability discrimination?

forever by priyanka from the Noun Project Sometimes it’s easy to lose the forest for the trees. Last night, after uploading the recording of yesterday’s CDC Face Mask Zoom to The Employer Handbook YouTube Channel, I read this recent Fifth Circuit opinion. It involves a transgender employee suing a former employer…


She settled her disability discrimination claim for cash and a lateral transfer. Then she sued for . . . retaliation?!?

Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay If I felt a little snarkier, I would have gone with this instead of the confused emoji. No, I’m pretty sure that’s not how the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) works. Under the ADA, it’s just as unlawful to retaliate as it is to discriminate. A plaintiff…


Why countersuing an employee can be a recipe for disaster!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Rarely — and by “rarely,” I mean usually — I’ll have an employer client ask me about countersuing an employee that has just sued the company. First, you’re probably just throwing good money after bad. But, I generally don’t debate this with my more…


Can a non-employee sue under Title VII as the target of the retaliation against his child?

Image Credit: I’ve got a hypothetical situation for you. ABC employs Sally. Sally’s father, John, is a third-party vendor who sells widgets to ABC. One day, Sally files a charge of discrimination with the EEOC against ABC, claiming to be the victim of gender discrimination. Eventually, Sally resigns and…


Can you fire an HR Manager for encouraging co-workers to sue the company for discrimination?

Cskiran / CC BY-SA Good thing I added a few extra servers today, juuuuuuuust in case I had a few extra clicks on this blog post. Last week, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals wrote 150 pages (here) to address the retaliation of claims of an HR representative (let’s call…


SCOTUS has a thing or two to say about age discrimination, which has nothing whatsoever to do with COVID-19.

Joe Ravi / CC BY-SA Last week, on Monday, the Supreme Court issued this age discrimination opinion. The opinion focuses on age bias in a federal government workplace, which is a small portion of folks that read this blog. But, there are a few takeaways for the rest of you.…


This, right here, is some of the most messed up retaliation (allegedly). And it all settled for a cool milli.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Technically, they settled for $1.15M. But, that won’t stop me from playing some ‘Lil Wayne. Many of you have good taste in employment law blogs, my ramblings and typos notwithstanding. That’s because you also read Jon Hyman’s Ohio Employer Law Blog. Jon’s blog is a…


There’s retaliation, and then there’s locking the complainant in a walk-in freezer. (Allegedly)

Image Credit That’s cold. Yesterday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced here that it has settled a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit filed against a fast-food chain. The facts are indeed chilling. According to the EEOC’s suit, a 22-year-old male manager at the store was “forced to…