
Articles Posted in Religion


Should religious objectors be excepted from mandatory vaccine requirements at work?

Arne Müseler /, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons I know this should be a “Monday” post, but, oh, what the heck. Over the past several days, I’ve read several articles about providing religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine. The Dean of the UC-Berkely School of Law says…


One of your employees objects to using transgender co-workers’ personal pronouns. Now what?

Amousey, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Most employees are at-will; they can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. And intentionally misgendering a co-worker would be enough. But, what if the employee objects on religious grounds? 🤔 I may have an answer for you. It comes from this…


Oh, hell no! Did an employer discriminate by not excusing a Christian employee from fingerprinting?

Image by Hebi B. from Pixabay The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission seems to think so. Here’s more from a recent press release announcing a Title VII lawsuit against a Midwest employer for refusing to accommodate a Christian employee who refused to have his fingerprints taken: The EEOC’s pre-suit investigation…


VIDEO: Amy and Eric explain what’s 🔥hot🔥 with the EEOC’s new COVID-19 💉guidance

Image Credit: Photofunia On Friday, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission posted updated and expanded technical assistance related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new guidance answers open questions on issues surrounding vaccines like: Can an employer require employees to get vaccinated? Can an employer incentivize employees to get vaccines? How…


Justices Alito, Gorusch, and (Thurgood) Marshall share the same views on … religious accommodations?!?

Image by CryptoSkylark from Pixabay I know, right? Shocking! But it’s true, and I’ll explain why. “More than a de minimis cost.” On Monday, the Supreme Court decided not to review a case in which an employee claimed that his former employer failed to accommodate his religious beliefs by allowing…


Employers that operate in THIS state can require workers to get vaccinated

Image by torstensimon from Pixabay Several states are taking steps to forbid employers from requiring that workers receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Separately, I know of at least two pending lawsuits that employees have filed. I already blogged about one of them here. The other is pending in a federal court in…


Will (reverse) vaccination discrimination be the next big thing?

Image Credit: Marco Verch Professional Photographer (Syringe and vaccination record card on blue background)// The Miami Heat made news twice yesterday. First, the rumor mill has the franchise closely tied to a deal for Toronto Raptors point guard Kyle Lowry. Of course, my beloved Philadelphia 76ers are also in the…


Real leadership is admitting when you’re wrong (like firing a Jewish employee who calls out Nazis).

Image by Mango Matter from Pixabay On Wednesday, I wrote (here) about the New York Mets’ decision to terminate its General Manager, just one month into his tenure, because the team recently learned that he sexted a female reporter in 2016 while working for the Chicago Cubs in their front…