
Articles Posted in Religion


1 slur + 1 knife to the testicles = 1 hostile work environment

My new blogging platform and email newsletter have their advantages, especially the newsletter. For example, when a daily post goes out to my blog email subscribers (and, if you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do that here), one of the analytics I can track is the most-clicked hyperlinks. Welp, in last week’s “Heil…


No, really. Demanding an employee’s social security number isn’t religious discrimination

Remember that blog post I had from July of last year, the one you contemplated getting tattooed on your back. Yeah, you know the one. This one, silly. About the Fundamentalist Christian, who, upon filling out his new-employee paperwork, refused to provide a social security number because it would cause…


152,000 reasons for employers to consider discrimination with drug testing and haircuts

After the jump, what employers can learn from a possibly botched drug test and the failure to hire a Rastafarian (Or an excuse for me to make gratuitous True Romance references). * * *   Many employers drug test job applicants. Floyd (played by a young Brad Pitt), once motivated…


Can crosses on holiday party invitations create a hostile work environment?

Remember yesterday, when I was talking about religious accommodations, I said, “Treat all religions equally.” That same rule applies to  casting out the evil devil of religious discrimination generally. Church! After the jump, from my bloggerdome pulpit, I’m preaching my religion: employment law. All ye harassers, there is still time…


A Monday Night Football lesson on workplace religious accommodations

After scoring a touchdown on Monday night, Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah dropped to his knees and prayed. Kinda like this. As Kevin Draper at reports (here), a tweet from Abdullah’s brother further confirmed that the player’s post-TD celebration was a Muslim prayer. Except the referees responded with…


The religious bias case of the Jehovah’s Witness officer who refused to use a gun

Ok, technically, he was a “parking services officer.” But, he was working in a police department. And when you work in a police department as an officer, the odds are that you’ll need some weapons training. Well, cue the jump where we learn whether a police department has to accommodate…


What LeBron’s return teaches employers about accommodating the Mark of the Beast

I’ll save the “Five Workplace Lessons From LeBron James’s Return to Cleveland” post for the other bloggers. Here’s one — one which I guarantee you don’t find anywhere else: If during his time in Miami, LeBron James became a Fundamentalist Christian, and, upon filling out his new-employee paperwork with the…