
Articles Posted in Pregnancy


Does federal law require employers to provide leave from work to a woman recovering from a c-section?

Image Credit: month by Rohit Arun Rao from the Noun Project Pregnancy accommodations continue to trip up even the most seasoned HR professionals. Let’s see how you would handle this scenario. ABC Company has a pregnant employee. She requests a 30-day leave of absence for childbirth, which ABC grants. After…


Maybe if I blog about it enough, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will actually become law

Image by councilcle from Pixabay For the third time in the past year, I am blogging about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Why? Because last week, Senators Murkowski (R-AK), Casey (D-PA), Cassidy (R-LA), Shaheen (D-NH), and Moore Capito (R-WV) introduced the PWFA in the Senate. On September 17, 2020, the…


Employers that operate in THIS state can require workers to get vaccinated

Image by torstensimon from Pixabay Several states are taking steps to forbid employers from requiring that workers receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Separately, I know of at least two pending lawsuits that employees have filed. I already blogged about one of them here. The other is pending in a federal court in…


Did an employer take a job offer back from a pregnant woman while getting induced?!? The EEOC thinks so.

maternity ward by Made by Made from the Noun Project Worse yet, the employer is a hospital!!! Now, remember that what I’m about to share with you are allegations from a U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission press release, which the EEOC will eventually have to prove to be true. But,…


🚨HR ALERT🚨 If your employee handbook is missing a “Pregnancy Accommodations” policy, fix that ASAP!

pregnant woman by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project If you missed The Employer Handbook Zoom Office Hour on Friday, head on over to The Employer Handbook YouTube Channel — be sure to subscribe while you are there — and check out the replay. Among the topics that Robin Shea…


Ok, so what employment-related claims can a man with a pregnant wife file?

pregnant couple by b farias from the Noun Project Yesterday, I told you that a man couldn’t bring a pregnancy bias claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But, a bunch of you actual and aspiring employee-rights attorneys had ideas to prove me wrong. You…you’ve got…


Five ways that a Biden presidency may reshape employment law and HR-compliance

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Once the networks called the presidential election for Joe Biden over the weekend, something dawned on me. Maybe, I should write about how the new administration may impact employment law. I mean, what other employment…


The legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lives on as lawmakers seek fairness for pregnant workers

Supreme Court of the United States / Public domain Discord lies ahead in the coming weeks as 100 Senators will indeed wage a fierce battle to address the new Supreme Court opening that the passing of Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday created. Yet, there was still harmonic support…


It’s okay to invite employees to request disability accommodations, plus other brand new EEOC COVID-19 guidance!

Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay As a best practice, and in advance of having some or all employees return to the workplace, are there ways for an employer to invite employees to request flexibility in work arrangements? That’s the first of six coronavirus-related questions that the EEOC answered yesterday…