
Articles Posted in Gender


Is an employee with managerial duties “similarly situated” to a manager?

  Maybe it’s the luck of the draw, but most of the discrimination cases I defend are hostile work environment cases, where an alleged harasser supposedly has made an employee-victim’s life miserable with certain comments, jokes, gestures, touchings, you name it. Far less often do I encounter disparate-treatment claims. A…


D-I-S-M-I-S-S-E-D! Court punts Playboy-posing cheerleader’s bias claims.

[If you listen carefully, you can actually hear the sound of page-hits and prurient reader interest cascading at The Employer Handbook. It’s got a little funky Salt n’ Pepa beat to it…] Last May, I slobbered over blogged here about a former Indianapolis Colts’ cheerleader who sued the team claiming…


4 pending bills that could change the NJ employment landscape

  One of my favorite reads on NJ employment law is Ogletree Deakins’s New Jersey eAuthority. The June 2012 issue highlights several pieces of legislation now pending in NJ of which employers should take note. I’ve summarized four of them after the jump… * * * Severance yes, unemployment compensation…


That’s what they said: “Naked ambition” and a “voyeur boss”? (And more…)

As evidenced by the nature of this blog post and the picture on the right, it’s best not to leave me in the office alone, unsupervised, with an iPhone, and App Store credits, as I punch this out at 10:52 at night on a Thursday. (And yet, somehow, the Wall…


More office romances; more anti-harassment training

A recent survey by Workplace Options, shows that most Generation-Y employees believe that an office romance will have a positive influence on performance and overall workplace morale. Sounds like a Cialis commercial. Who says I need to wait for Valentine’s Day for this post? Losers, that’s who. Lock the broom…


Your favorite “The Employer Handbook” posts from 2011

  As the year draws to a close, let’s take a look back at the most popular posts at The Employer Handbook in 2011, based on number of hits: 5. Social media and the workplace. School teacher Natalie Munroe made several appearances on the blog this year. Remember her? She…