
Articles Posted in Gender


Court denies man’s pay-disparity claim because, yep, he was paid more than the women. 🤦

By Ludwigs2 – Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link I don’t remember much from law school. “Meyer, quick! Name three of ’em!” Ok. I rocked a bad-ass Nokia 8290. Dan’s Cafe in Adams Morgan was one of my go-to’s. In Employment Law, the professor taught us that pay-disparity claims generally…


“Historic, sweeping equal pay legislation” passes in New Jersey. Is your business ready?

By Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia CommonsIn late March, I blogged here about how it was only a matter of time before the State of New Jersey would require local employers to provide men and women the same pay and benefits for performing substantially similar work. Well, mark your…


Happy (?) Belated Equal Pay Day

Image Credit: ( I’ll be honest. Not only am I late by a day in recognizing Equal Pay Day, but I don’t know the etiquette. Is it “happy”? I can’t imagine why anyone would be happy about it. Heck, I just Googled and was immediately shown “11 Gender Wage…


NJ is about to pass a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE gender pay equity bill. Are you ready for it?

I, Ruhrfisch [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 2.5 or Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsVery soon, a New Jersey employer will have to pay men and women the same pay and benefits for performing substantially similar work. The only exceptions are if the employer can demonstrate a pay differential based on “a seniority…


A New Orleans Saints Cheerleader claims players get better treatment and that’s discrimination

By robbiesaurus (Flickr: Saint’s Cheerleaders with Saint Bernard) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsBut, is it really discrimination if football players get preferential treatment over cheerleaders? “Antiquated” and “blatantly discriminatory”? On Sunday, Ken Belson at the New York Times reported here that a female cheerleader with the New Orleans Saints had filed a…


Gender Pay Gap Meets Grand Theft Auto

Image Credit: Pixabay ( Hey, I can’t make this stuff up. Claire Warner at reports here that game designer Jane Friedhoff released a video game last week that, well,  here’s the description from the game designer: Two mall shop-girls find out they’ve been stiffed wages that the men in their department…


New Jersey’s new governor wastes no time going after equal pay and gender equity issues.

Image Credit: (License: CC0 Public Domain) Well, that sure was fast. [Cue music] On Tuesday, Phil Murphy assumed the office of Governor of the State of New Jersey. My first official act as governor would have been making sure that all of the washrooms in Office of the Governor…


Your company’s generous parental leave benefits could actually trigger a discrimination lawsuit

Just before the Labor Day weekend, I blogged here about an Americans with Disabilities Act complaint filed in federal court by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that should have employers scrutinizing their leave policies and procedures. Today, I’ve got news of another EEOC lawsuit filed in my backyard in the Eastern…


A “too cute” employee, her boss’s ex-Playmate wife, and maybe some sex discrimination

Honestly, I generally try not to resort to clickbait ledes or trending terms like Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Solar Eclipse, Game of Thrones finale spoilers, and leaked Apple iPhone 8 images, to increase web traffic. That’s beneath a professional ***fart*** blogger like me. But, since you’re here, please form a single-file…


The best way to prepare your workplace now for President Trump’s new Religious Freedom Executive Order

Yeah, that’s basically it. Keep calm and carry on. There was a lot of talk over the past week or so about how the Presidential Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty would create carte blanche for discrimination against LGBTQ and women. (Exhibit A, B, C). Yeah, that didn’t happen. Indeed,…