
Articles Posted in Disability


When it comes to ADA accommodations, reasonable is good enough

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer must make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an individual unless the employer can show that doing so how cause it undue hardship. Generally, an employee will initiate the process by advising her employer that she is disabled…


It’s THIS easy to be considered disabled under the ADA

When the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act went into effect in 2009, it significantly lowered the bar for proving a “disability.” How low did it go? [cue ironic music, you’ll see in a sec…] You’ll see how low when your employee — like you and I — suffers from “episodic” (that’s…


An employee who sleeps on the job may still be qualified under the ADA

That George Costanza was definitely on to something. A federal court in Virginia (here) recently denied an employer’s attempt to dismiss the complaint of a former employee who claimed that his rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act were violated when his employer failed to accommodate him by waking him…


Obesity as a workplace disability? One court bucks the trend and says no.

  In mid-June, the American Medical Association concluded that obesity is a disease “requiring a range of medical interventions to advance obesity treatment and prevention.” This news led Jon Hyman at the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog to conclude that classification of obesity as a “disease” has huge employment law implications;…


Supreme Court passes on ADA transfer accommodation case

Here’s the scenario: You have a disabled employee who seeks an accommodation. Mindful of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and being the compliant company that you are, you engage that employee in an interactive dialogue to discuss reasonable accommodations — options to allow the employee to perform the essential functions…


EEOC talks employer wellness programs; provides an ADA Q&A

Consistent with its strategic plan to provide up-to-date guidance on the requirements of antidiscrimination laws, last week, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued this press release in which it announced that it had revised guidance on how the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to applicants and employees with…