
Articles Posted in Disability


Apparently, the ADA requires accommodating an employee’s anger issues with a Shih Tzu named “Sugar Bear”

Hey, I don’t make this stuff up. I just blog about it. More after the jump… * * * The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employers provide reasonable accommodation to employees with disabilities when doing so will allow them to perform the essential functions of their job. In Assaturian…


Yes, you can fire an employee who discloses a disability at his termination meeting

Filed under: duh! More on this one after the jump… * * * Let’s assume that you have an employee who commits a terminable offense. For example, in Martins v. Rhode Island Hospital, surveillance cameras and the Hospital’s employee ID swipe system suggested that Martins left work for approximately four…


An employer-defendant argued that cancer — CANCER!!! — is not an ADA disability

How do you think that worked out? (I’ve got a pretty good guess too). After the jump, let’s see if we’re right. * * * In EEOC v. Midwest Regional Medical Center, LLC (yes, the employer-defendant was a friggin’ hospital!!!), the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit on…


Guess why dude lost his ADA failure-to-accommodate claim. (Hint: he didn’t ask for one).

When the new amendments to the the Americans with Disabilities Act took effect in 2009, the law became more employee-friendly by expanding the definition of what constitutes a disability. That said, the law doesn’t (yet) require an employer to have a sixth sense about whether a disabled employee requires a…


FACT OR FICTION: The ADA requires all employers to offer light duty.

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” Peep this ADA failure-to-accommodate case. Plaintiff is disabled and requests light duty. However, the evidence presented showed that there were no…


Disclosing an employee’s medical info on Facebook is hella-stupid

Plus, it may violate the Americans with Disabilities Act too. How one company’s alleged blunder turned into an ADA lawsuit and a blog post at…after the jump… * * * In Shoun v. Best Formed Plastics, Inc., the plaintiff allegedly suffered a bad shoulder injury at work. And, after…


Court: No need to accommodate employee who shows up drunk on Mike’s Hard Lemonade

Hey there, United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. This Americans with Disabilities Act failure-to-accomodate opinion right here. You had me at “Ortiz reported to work on April 5, 2010, carrying one empty and three full cans of ‘Mike’s Hard Lemonade’ (an alcoholic beverage), along…