
Articles Posted in Disability


Pre-Hire Inquiries and Medical Exams: Don’t do what this employer did

When the EEOC accuses your company of engaging in a “pattern or practice” of discrimination, it’s gonna be a tough year. In EEOC v. Celadon Trucking Services, Inc. (opinion here), the EEOC accused Celadon Trucking of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act, by engaging in a “pattern or practice” of…


The limits of addressing mental illness at work

Many of us, including me, have a loved one or friend who has suffered through mental illness. With proper treatment, counseling and support, the symptoms may be controllable. However, sometimes medication and treatment aren’t enough. Mental illness, which generally qualifies as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, can…


Update your job descriptions. Because, Americans with Disabilities Act.

  A friendly reminder that, just because your job description might say what an employee is supposed to do, doesn’t mean that’s what your employee actually does. And, in an Americans with Disabilities Act case, here’s why that matters… At 7:00 am (yawn) on Tuesday, June 30, I’m presenting “My Employees Can…


Pee and Poop: One employer cleans up; another pays $2.25 million

Just another ho-hum Wednesday here at the ol’ Handbook. Urine trouble now. So, did you hear the one about the employee who got caught urinating next to shopping carts near the front entrance of a big home improvement store? He even admitted to, and apologized for, his public urination, explaining that he…


“Patience” is a great G N’ R song; not a reasonable accommodation under the ADA

Wow! I thought I’d seen it all in the employment space in the past 72 hours with this Rachel Dolezal downward spiral (bing, bang, boom). But, this recent federal-court opinion I read last night. The one about an employee with Attention Deficit Disorder who was fired after discussing vaginal massages with…


Your employee has a fragrance allergy. What does the ADA require you to do?

This can be a really difficult situation. Just ask a local Pennsylvania employer. In Brady v. United Refrigeration, Inc. (opinion here), the plaintiff suffered from heightened sensitivity to perfumes, fragrant chemicals, and lotions. After she told her employer, the company attempted a number of accommodations: Purchased a portable air cleaner for use…