
Articles Posted in Disability


Fact or Fiction: Denying a discretionary bonus may be discrimination?

That’s right folks. It’s time for another edition of “Fact or Fiction” a/k/a “Quick Answers to Quick Questions” a/k/a QATQQ f/k/a “I don’t feel like writing a long blog post.” Many claims of discrimination require proof of what’s called an “adverse employment action.” A firing would qualify; so would an…


Attendance may be an essential job function under the ADA. But, how do you know?

The regulations to the Americans with Disabilities Act include a non-exhaustive list of reasonable accommodations that may apply to allow an employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job. They include job restructuring; part-time or modified work schedules; reassignment to a vacant position; acquisition or modifications…


A job duty performed 5% of the time is probably not ADA-essential, you guys

“Smithers, refill my lime rickey. And find me a dunce cap. Post haste.” The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to provide a reasonable accommodation, upon request, to an individual with a disability to enable that person to perform the essential functions of the job. Oftentimes, the questions arises: What are…


ADA accommodation requests generally require a, um, oh what’s the word? “Request.”

  The Americans with Disabilities Act requires an employer to accommodate an employee with a disability, if doing so will enable that individual to perform the essential functions of the job. The exception is if the accommodation would create undue hardship for the employer. But when is that duty to accommodate…


Under the ADA, can you fire an alcoholic who doesn’t request treatment?

An alcoholic employee can present a number of tricky legal issues affecting the workplace. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, there’s a certain dichotomy. That is, alcoholism is a disability under the Act. However, an employer can ban alcohol in the workplace and require that employees not be under the…


SHRM hosted a Twitter chat on tricky ADA/FMLA issues. Guess who’s got the full recap?

  The SHRM blog does, silly. But, I can link to the preview (here) and the recap (here). Definitely check those out. Allen Smith, Manager of workplace law content at SHRM, and a host of others did a great job fielding questions about the ADA and FMLA issues that keep HR professionals up…


112,500 ADA reasons not to force an employee to stay home until 100% healed

  You might as well paint a huge bulls-eye on your business and open up your checkbook. This EEOC press release, announcing an Americans with Disabilities Act settlement with a senior living facility explains why: Brookdale Senior Living Communities, Inc. of Denver will pay $112,500 and furnish other relief to settle…