
Articles Posted in Disability


COVID-19 antibody testing as a condition of returning to work? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

free images I’ve got something to tell you. I’m coming clean. Are you ready? Here it is. I don’t know squat about antibody testing for COVID-19. And guess what? You don’t either. Look, I’ve met plenty of people who think that they know about antibody testing for COVID-19: friends, colleagues,…


It’s okay to invite employees to request disability accommodations, plus other brand new EEOC COVID-19 guidance!

Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay As a best practice, and in advance of having some or all employees return to the workplace, are there ways for an employer to invite employees to request flexibility in work arrangements? That’s the first of six coronavirus-related questions that the EEOC answered yesterday…


There’s no maybe about it. Here’s why, for sure, COVID-19 is an ADA disability. Probably.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels On March 27, 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission hosted an “Ask the EEOC” webinar exclusively addressing the EEO laws in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the questions asked was whether COVID-19 is a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.…


Can your business require a customer to wear a mask? What if she has trouble breathing?

Image by Viktor Ivanchenko from Pixabay Good questions? And, not coincidentally, the subject of a lawsuit just filed in a Pennsylvania federal court. The plaintiff, who claims to have respiratory issues, alleges that a supermarket in Pennsylvania refused to let her enter the store without a mask, even though she…


This case has nothing to do with COVID-19. But, it could prevent a return-to-work lawsuit.

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay As part of return-to-work from COVID-19, sadly, some employees are not going to return to work. I’m not talking about those situations in which an employee refuses to return. That’s a different post for a different day. No, I’m thinking about a situation in…


Here’s that new CDC guidance for re-opening your business. Plus, we’ve get one heckuva Zoom chat coming on Friday!

Before we talk about this new CDC guidance, mark your calendars for Friday at Noon EDT. That’s when I’ll be back with another HR COVID-19 Zoom chat. Go ahead and register now (here) while space is still available. My special guest this week is an accomplished HR professional, author, and…


Wait, what?!? We’ve got ANOTHER coronavirus-related lawsuit where THE PLAINTIFF IS A LAWYER.

Image Credit: (Public Domain) Earlier this month, I told you about an attorney who claimed that her former employer wrongfully discharged her for refusing to violate a stay-at-home order. Now, we’ve got another lawyer-plaintiff, this time claiming that his former employer fired him for taking FMLA leave when after…


COVID-19 news galore from the EEOC and DOL. Let’s discuss it here and on Facebook Live at 11:30 AM EDT

Yatko / CC BY-SA Kate Bischoff and I are looking forward to hanging out with you today — even you, dad — at 11:30 EDT today at The Employer Handbook Facebook Fan Page. We’ll look at how this return-to-work thing is going and what employers still need to do to…


Here’s an idea to promote employee mental health during COVID-19.

photo by Natasha Spencer from Pexels and Late last week, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) updated its technical assistance on what employers should know about COVID-19 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. I went ahead and highlighted for you the updated portions of the EEOC Guidance. But,…