
Articles Posted in Age


A supervisor’s swine flu death wish on an older employee leads to an age bias claim

Yesterday, our guest blogger offered three tips for successful onboarding.  Unable to match that, today, I have a less than successful way to encourage attrition — unless of course you like defending age discrimination claims. A federal court has permitted a plaintiff’s claims that his ex-employer created a age-based hostile…

Posted in: Age

Princeton study reveals that older employees face “subtle bias” in the workplace

  Under federal law, the bar is set higher for proving age discrimination, as opposed to other forms of unlawful discrimination based on protected classes such as race, gender, or disability. While difficult to prove, a recent article from The New York Times suggests that age discrimination in the workplace…

Posted in: Age

Who fires the 68-year-old right after her great performance review?

The company that likes defending age-discrimination claims, that’s who. More after the jump… * * * Lenore Linkous worked for her Virginia bank as a Branch Manager for 11 years. Most recently, she received performance reviews for the years 2009 and 2010 stating that she “exceeds expectations” and “meets expectations,”…

Posted in: Age

Fired and told “you’re a little too old for your job,” Old Rose LOSES her age-bias claim

  From the blog that brought you the classy September 2011 post, “This old mother****** may just have an age discrimination claim,” comes a story of a woman whom her former employer **cough** affectionately **cough** referred to as “Old Rose.” On other occasions, the plaintiff Rosemary Marsh was told, “you’re…

Posted in: Age

“Younger people are the future” comment creates age-bias claim

Hey Employers! Want to guarantee yourself a jury trial in an age-discrimination case? Just mention the word “younger” to any employee age forty or above right around the time you fire him. [Editor’s Note: Calling that employee an “old man,” “old fart,” “pops,” and “grandpa” will also do the trick…

Posted in: Age