
Articles Posted in Attorney Practice Tips


If an attorney investigates workplace harassment, must the company share the report if it is later sued?

Image Credit: ( One of your employees just complained to human resources that a co-worker sexually harassed her. As a responsible employer, you decide not only to investigate the complaint but to engage outside counsel to lead the investigation. Outside counsel investigates. When the investigation ends, outside counsel creates an…


Which law firms would I recommend that you use to sue your employer?

I’ll wait patiently while you pick your jaws up off the floor. I want some of what you’re having, Eric. Have you lost your freaking mind, Eric? Nope, I’m good. I’ve been practicing law now for nearly twenty years. In that time, I’ve learned a few immutable truths: Plaintiffs keep every…


Mediation Survey Results!!! (I picked the right side hustle.)

Image Credit: ( Yesterday, you provided some great feedback on mediation. And, today, I want to share those results. (As an encore, tomorrow, I’ll get into SHRM’s Workflex bill, which recently took center stage before the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.) Survey says… Employment law is my…


HELP! DocketBird, PacerPRO, or Bloomberg Law? What’s the best for docket tracking and searches?

Image Credit: Tim Green on Flickr ( Attorneys, I could use your help. I’d like to invest in a product that can track federal dockets (so that I can be first to alert clients and prospects about new litigation) and also have access to federal pleadings in real time (to…


If you think you’re gonna get sued, protect your documents! Or else bad things may happen.

Today’s post is brought to you by the letter “S.” Back in 2010, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed two religious-accommodation lawsuits against a company called JBS USA, LLC. One was in Nebraska. I’ve blogged about that one before (here). The other was filed in Colorado. And that’s the…


Note to self: Refrain from using bag of tricks in Indiana.

What if. I’m just saying, what if you could have an employee sign some sort of a contract, maybe an employee agreement, in which the employee agreed to shorten the statute of limitations on all employment claims to six months. Given that employees often have years in which to assert…


That moment HR discovers its $2,666,594.03 typo in a fully-signed severance agreement

Back in the day, landing on “Community Chest” in Monopoly was second only to building hotels on Boardwalk. But, even with inflation, neither approaches the feeling of discovering that your employer goofed by agreeing to provide you with $2,747,400 in severance pay, rather than the previously agreed-upon $80,805.97. Yep, that happened.…


The 6 Ways “Covfefe” Can Improve HR Compliance

It all began last week with a (possible) typographical error in a tweet from our 45th President, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.” At first, President Trump’s tweet confused us; “covfefe” even stumped a spelling bee champ while creating a spike in demand for novelty license plates. But then President Trump doubled down on Twitter, “Who…


Pish-posh to everything we ever knew about litigating discrimination claims

I feel naked. And, I have the vapors. Quick! Someone fetch me my diamond-studded bathrobe and, oh yes, my pearls for clutching. Evidence is evidence. Someone once described the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to me as a maverick court. Like the kinda court that goes to Morton’s The Steakhouse and orders a Grilled Chicken…


Is a confidentiality provision in an employee settlement agreement worth the paper it’s printed on?

A reader emailed me yesterday. “Hey Eric, Clients are wondering about value of settlement NDAs after ex-Fox News HWE victims go public despite contracts. Your reaction?” Wait! You mean employees actually violate confidentiality provisions? I know, right? By way of brief background, in late July, New York ran a story by Gabriel…