Articles Posted in Attorney Practice Tips


Join us on March 12 at 2 ET for “DEI Now: Where to Stop, Proceed With Caution, and Move Ahead”

President Trump’s recent Executive Order, “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity,” has raised pressing questions about the future of workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The order emphasizes enforcing civil rights laws, eliminating race- and sex-based preferences in federal policies, and promoting merit-based opportunities. In response, many employers…


Join us today on Zoom at Noon ET to learn the playbook of an employee-rights attorney (who used to represent employers).

Alex Meier leveraged years of experience and savvy representing clients of one of the leading management-side employment law firms in the United States to form an employee-rights firm and advocate for plaintiffs — your workers. Bold move! So I convinced Alex to share with readers why he made such a…


Join us on Zoom on Friday, October 11 for “To the Dark Side (or perhaps seeing the light).”

I want you to meet Alex Meier. For many years, Alex represented clients of one of the leading management-side employment law firms in the United States. Alex’s clients looked to him to resolve their most complex and nuanced employment cases. However, This year, things changed when Alex joined another management-side…


Court to employers: Don’t wait too long to arbitrate employments claims

A recent federal appellate court decision is an important reminder to confirm early—not later—whether the employee suing your business signed an arbitration agreement. The plaintiff had signed an agreement with an arbitration provision that covered his subsequent claims for disability discrimination, which he filed in federal court. But the employer…


Here’s what happens when a judge catches a plaintiff fabricating evidence of sexual harassment

Spoiler alert: it often doesn’t end well for the plaintiff or their lawyer. For example, let’s discuss this Second Circuit decision in which a plaintiff had sued her employer and two of its employees, asserting claims of sexual harassment during and retaliatory discharge from her employment. For a time, it…


Instead of hiring a lawyer, a business owner ordered to pay wages used AI to prepare his appeal. It was a giant clusterf**k!

A multi-year dispute over unpaid wages went from bad to a whole lot worse for a Midwest business owner when he decided to appeal a trial court ruling that he owed over $300k in wages, damages, and attorney’s fees by representing himself and hiring an “online consultant” who used artificial…


Employers are singing the praises for the EEOC’s online mediation program

As an employment law mediator, my resume includes many years of private practice and service to some federal courts. But I cut my chops at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and have remained a volunteer mediator with the EEOC for over a decade. If anyone asked me what I…


See you in court, err, arbitration! SCOTUS to decide whether litigating an employment dispute first precludes arbitrating it later

Freepik, Vital Gorbachev, Smashicons edited by Bruce The Deus, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons If your company makes its employees sign arbitration agreements, then this post is for you. The rest of you can get an early start on happy hour find something else to read while sipping your…


How much social media discovery can you get from an employee who sues you for discrimination?

Ibrahim.ID, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons It depends. (Sorry). But, for added context, I love this quote from a recent Maryland federal court opinion: [There are] complexities in relying on a party’s social media postings as an unvarnished chronicle of their lives or a contemporaneous journal of their true…