
Can an FMLA-eligible employee decline FMLA and take other accrued leave instead?


***Double checks Powerball ticket***


Oh, hi there. I didn’t see you come in. Now, get out of here and head over to Thompson’s HR Compliance Expert. You’ll find a new feature called “Opposing Counsel.” At various points throughout the year, I will debate HR-compliance issues with employee-rights lawyer, and my buddy, Donna Ballman. Think, my snark — times two. Plus, you get the added benefit of the point of view of an attorney from the dark side. (Donna’s probably telling her readers the same thing…LOL).

Our first battle is “Opposing Counsel: Allowing Employees FMLA Choice is No Cakewalk for Employers.”

Hey! Out of curiosity, if one of your clearly FMLA-eligible employees wanted to decline FMLA and take other accrued leave instead, what would you do? Take my poll.