
Bookmark This! How many employees must we have to be covered under certain employment laws?

Photo by Black ice from Pexels

It’s one of the most common questions that I get from clients and readers. With so many employment laws out there, it’s not easy to keep track of what those laws say — let alone which ones you may have to follow.

That’s why every once in a while I like to dust off an old blog post because I’d rather binge Jack Ryan than blog today you must understand the employment laws that may impact your business. Of course, there may be factors other than employee headcount that affect whether your company may have some exposure. We’ll save that for another blog post. Hopefully, on another blog.

Also, I probably missed a few employment laws on this list. To make up for that, and to suck up to my local readers, I added numerosity requirements for a couple of state and local statutes in PA and NJ.

Fifteen (15)

Thirty (30)
New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA)*
(Shout out to the reader who caught my earlier 50-employee NJFLA mistake)