
Are lots of your severance agreements retaliatory? EEOC says yes.

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for EEOC.jpgWhen your business offers a severance agreement to a departing employee, does it contain:

  • a general release;
  • a non-disparagement obligation;
  • a confidentiality provision;
  • a covenant not to sue; or
  • a cooperation clause

Well, if it contains any one (or more) of these provisions, head over to Jon Hyman’s Ohio Employer’s Law Blog right away to learn about a new lawsuit that the EEOC has filed in which it alleges that each of these common severance-agreement provisions amounts to retaliation.

If the EEOC prevails here and in subsequent similar actions in other jurisdictions, the effects would be game-changing.

So, definitely go to Jon’s blog for more information.