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- Over at the Delaware Employment Law Blog, Molly DiBianca warns employers about the perils of restricting employees from going online to discuss terms and conditions of employment, such as getting paid on time.
- Mark Toth at Manpower Employment Blawg highlights a U.S. Chamber of Commerce study that analyzes 129 social-media-related National Labor Relations Board cases.
- North of the border, Attorneys Jennifer Bond and George Waggot offer some advice on social media policies that work best.
- Devin Brown on CBSnews.com reports that there’s a new law in Missouri that makes it illegal for teachers to friend students on social networks.
- Jon Hyman at the Ohio Employer’s Law Blog has the latest stats on how employers are using social media to hire online (h/t Eve Tahmincioglu)
- Entrepreneur Magazine offers some do’s and don’t on using social media to screen new hires. The article quotes some Philadelphia attorney named Eric B. Myers. Attorney Myers identifies himself as a publisher of this blog. And if I see this Myers guy on the streets of Philly, Imma kick his ass.
Finally, happy birthday to my beautiful wife Carly. She turns 30 today.
*** Note to self: Call wife. Wish her happy birthday. ***